Companies are doing their own form of tort reform. It seems that employees in China don't sue.
You don't even have to move to China. Just move to areas where the black population is low (bye bye big city, hello Vermont). Or contract out those tasks where there are a lot of black employees (cafeteria, janitorial, trucking, etal). Thanks to the teacher's unions, a lot of blacks get screwed in the public schools so a company can simply make sure that they only offer jobs that require certain achieved levels of education (illiteracy or even semi-literacy is a career killer). Or you can simply offer lower starting salaries -- let other companies or governments win the battle for the smaller pool of well-educated blacks by offering less to start. There's a whole host of strategies that can be used to minimize legal exposure.
Sad, but when you let lawyers run wild, everybody loses, especially when you let the concept of entitlement erode everything.