Since the pictures I posted are much more recent than 1924 it looks to me like the Klan has returned to their roots, so to speak, and have readopted the flag of their founding fathers.
And I would rightly argue that everyone of those pictures were taken
A)after the Confederate Flag became public domain (by court decision) and was no longer protected just for the SCV and
B)after 100+ years of propaganda from our yankee supressors leaving us with many here in the South that don't understand the true meaning of what that flag stands for giving way for the racists to step in and take our symbol of heritage and misuse it
Seriously Non, I'm shocked. That's quite a liberal tactic from you. Purposefully using what you know not to be the truth.
Unless of course you are implying that their founding fathers were pirates as the highest flying flag in your photo would indicate, to suggest that they were returning to "roots" in Dixie is peculiar considering that the modern Klan is headquartered in Indiana. Persons from that state aren't exactly the types with confederate heritage or backgrounds, you know.