1. We COULD control our borders, and have failed miserably.
2. We COULD fire the people who failed us, but have not.
3. We COULD announce a real state of emergency with a clear goal of sweeping all illegal aliens out of the U.S., instead, we get shills like Darlin' saying we have to swallow a pile of bureaucrat ass-covering crap, instead.
I WILL NOT support these efforts UNTIL I see action on the real priorities.
"I WILL NOT support these efforts UNTIL I see action on the real priorities"
What makes you know nothing is being done ? Are you privy to inside information ? What solutions have you presented or what productive steps have you taken to promote your priorities or do you think complaining will get the job done ?
"We've got too many in the political process who just say things, just kind of float something out there and hope it sounds good, hope somebody might bite on it, hope it convinces people, but have no intentions or capabilities of getting it done." - President George W Bush, 2 Nov 2002