We ban them anytime they register here. It's a fact. Very few people here are interested in reading the DU style spin and regurgitated propaganda. Those of you who want to rattle their cages are welcome to it, but please do not drag any of their garbage back to FR and please do not bother posting vanities about your experiences with them. It's not wanted here and will be deleted. There are some pretty scary lines in there considering this site calls itself "Free Republic." It seems that bad ideas, poor analysis, and wasteful vanities are permitted here regularly. I don't see why the reposting of DU trash is any different.
It seems we play their game of being the false guarantors of free speech by banning and deleting. I would think we here at "Free Republic" are above that.
A free press edits speech every single time. Nothing unusual or wrong with that.
There are some pretty scary lines in there considering this site calls itself "Free Republic." OK, for the millionth time...