I think our biggest and most important connection with Hispanics is religion and family and effective education for their children. I think they are getting a raw deal from the Dems. They are being led away from God and given a lousy education.
Maybe we need a much better program to explain to them the real spiritual differences in the parties, and let them know that when they vote Democrat that they are forfeiting the souls of their children.
I always enjoy when you post and I have a great appreciation for your reasoning. But to me this is like people on the Titanic saying, "Maybe if we all bail water".
In Mexico, Mexicans tend to vote Marxist, in America many Hispanics vote their bellies. And if you agree at all with the accessment that not all Muslims in the USofA is a dangerous terrorist that will act, yet also a majority of Muslims quietly support their terrorist brothers, then maybe the fact should be looked at that while not all Mexicans will act to take the SW territories, they all silently agree that it should be theirs.
We don't have time for what you suggest given the level of invasion, and there is no guarantee it would be successful. These illegals need to be removed in mass now. By making it such a fearsome thing to hire them that no employer would even consider it, or by round up, detention, and deportation. Or a combination of both.