Destro, it's all the same church. It's all the same "forgotten history". Since when is posting the Patristic Teachings of a Church not a part of knowing its "history"?
To take note of the Celtic Church's Greek-origin liturgical and clerical practices, while ignoring the actual teachings which the Celtic Orthodox Fathers felt important enough to record for their flock's edification, is to have a very incomplete record of "forgotten history".
Especially since the Venerable Bede himself records that the Celtic Orthodox Church was essentially "beyond the reach of the decrees of synods, . . . they could learn only those thing contained in the writings of the Prophets, the Evangelists, and the Apostles", the preservation of Doctrine amongst the Celtic Orthodox is a key component of understanding this ancient Church.
And when one reads what the Celtic Orthodox Fathers actually wrote, one quickly realizes that there's no need to "attempt" to tie the Celtic Orthodox Church to Calvinism.... that would be like attempting to tie George W. Bush to George H. W. Bush, it can't be avoided.
Ask yourself this -- if the essentially Calvinistic nature of Celtic Orthodox doctrine on Justification "by Faith Alone" (their very own words), the Total Death of Free Will, Absolute Predestination, Symbolic Baptism, and a Symbolic Eucharist were not apparent from the numerous citations I posted, then why did FormerLib in #27 and you in #29 immediately start accusing me of Lying and "twisting history"?
"An attempt to link Calvinism with the vanished Celtic Church"? If the Calvinistic doctrinal bent of the Celtic Orthodox Church were not immediately and transparently obvious from the Celtic Patristics which I cited... then how come the normally-charitable Eastern Orthodox started hurling accusations of Dishonesty against me as soon as I posted them?
I honestly didn't expect anything like that response. I submit it wasn't because the Celtic Fathers didn't say what I claimed of them -- but rather because, it's easy enough to read the posted evidence, they quite evidently did.