Why attempt to re-create 1400 year old Gaelic Rites in 21st Century America? That is the good thing about Orthodoxy - they have an unbroken 2K year old tradition -give or take 3 decades of-
Geneva shakes hand with Iona across the gulf of a thousand years.
A doubtful and flimsy claim.
What does Calvin have to say about Constantine?
Statue of the Emperor Constantine I -- Constantine the Great -- in York, England
Geneva shakes hand with Iona across the gulf of a thousand years. ~~ A doubtful and flimsy claim. What does Calvin have to say about Constantine?Dunno... I never bothered to look up Calvin's opinion of the man, assuming he even published one.
What's important to me is Doctrine. What did the Celtic Orthodox preach about Free Will after the Fall?
"Man, by making an ill use of his Free-will, lost both himself and it. For, like a man who kills himself, is able, of course, to kill himself, because he lives, but by killing himself becomes unable to live, neither can raise himself again from the dead after he has killed himself; so when sin was committed by means of free-will, then, sin being the conqueror, free-will itself also was lost, for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he also brought into bondage." -- Sedulius Scotus
What did the Celtic Orthodox preach about Absolute Double Predestination?
It is Gallus who speaks, the fellow-labourer of Columbanus, and the founder of the monastery of St. Gall. "The apostle says, 'God has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world," that is, by his eternal predestination, his free calling, and his grace which was due to none.'' They teach the sovereignty not less than the eternity of God's purposes. "God," says Sedulius, " Hath mercy with great goodness, and hardeneth without any iniquity; so that neither can he who is saved glory of his own merits, nor he that is lost complain but of his own merits.
What did the Celtic Orthodox preach about Justification by Faith Alone?
On the doctrine of Faith as the alone instrument of Justification, Sedulius thus expresses himself: "Ye are saved by grace through faith, not through works through faith, that is, not through works; and, lest any careless one should arrogate to himself salvation by his faith, the apostle has added, "and that not of yourselves, because faith is not from ourselves, but from Him who hath called us.""I live by the faith of the Son of God, that is, by faith alone, as owing nothing to the law. Grace is abject and vain if it alone is not sufficient for me." -- Sedulius Scotus
What did the Celtic Orthodox preach about the Eucharist?
"The Sacraments of the Altar are not the real Body and Blood of Christ, but only the commemoration of his Body and Blood." -- Claudius Scotus
What do the Calvinists preach about these Doctrines?
Hmm.... well, exactly the same things, except that the Celtic Orthodox doctrine of the Total Death of Free Will is, if anything, even a little stronger than that of Calvin.
For a Celtic Orthodox Churchman to find the Biblical and pure Doctrines of his Celtic Orthodox Faith amongst modern Christendom... he'd have to join a Calvinist Church.