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To: Quix
There is an interesting exchange in the episode that aired on Tuesday night (at least it was of interest to me, so I thought I'd share it).

The strange skinny guy (not paying enough attention to remember his screen name) at the 'project' airs the notion that the ET's may be trying to 'breed back' something lost in their evolution. Of all the jello slogging down the program, that notion stood out to my mind like a gorilla in the corner! Imagine, if you will, that God created Angelic beings before humankind. If Angelic beings evolved over millenia, was soemthing lost during their evolution that we humans are now to recapture with out evolving species? Is there something about 'faith' as a most powerful force that requires (forGod-approved usage) the exercise of it to begin while protected from absolute truth? Assuming Satan was cast down for some very good reason of God's choosing, from a heavenly realm, is there a lost trait now being evolved with humankind, a trait that would have precluded Satan's rebellion and the fellow 'bad' angels cast down with him? The notion, though offered in that fictional context, lit a fire in my brain when I heard it. Angels are ET's by definition, aren't they?

351 posted on 12/11/2002 3:49:16 PM PST by MHGinTN
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Certainly angels are ET's by definition.

There is at least one race of ET's that is purportedly ready to "prove" holographically--with holographic video of the past that THEY created man; Christ; Buddah etc.

And some certainly purport that they are from our future.

It's a complex thicken to plot [the whole subject--not particularly the show].

I think the above assertions are--at LEAST the first one--not Biblical.

Genesis: "Let US make man in OUR image" is certainly curious. But the Trinity could easily take care of that.

Christ as THE ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father is NOT a genetically engineered Savior to profer an essentially false religion to bring order to murderous mankind.

Tim Snodgrass's UFO report should be very interesting sorting out from his experiences and perspective evil from angelic ET's/UFO's.

My own criteria--do they confess that Jesus came in the flesh; died on The Cross for our Salvation and the Salvation and restoration of all things; Rose again on the 3rd day etc.

Beyond that--"My sheep know my voice."

355 posted on 12/11/2002 5:28:48 PM PST by Quix
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