Judging from earlier abundant evidence of NEA stupidity, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this was an already fired shell casing.
I had the same feeling.
Another poster said that he thought that the parrents are divorced. I do not know why anyone would say this. About the same time that this child was hunting with his dad, My 11 year old son and I were pheasant hunting during the state youth hunting day. My son bagged his first bird. This Saturday, we are going on a youth deer hunt. My son's mother and I (his father) are not divorced, we just like to spend time together outdoors.
Since my son and I spend alot of time shooting, I worry about him taking a spent shell to school. I tell him not to talk about guns to anyone. When he was in 4th grade, he was suspended 3 times for violations of the zero tol. policy of the school. None of these infractions involved weapons or fights, only verbal infractions. The last week of school, he got into an actual fist fight and was not punished. The schools are out of control.