He demonstrates his integrity for standing up to childish foes who have themselves all in a twitter over a document up which laws and morality throughout centuries are based upon.
Secondly, even if he is to lose this fight on an eartly basis--I am quite certain that God Himself is looking upon this man's actions with favor. Both the Old and New Testaments are full of stories where God's law and His purpose emerge ever stronger in the face of opression.
Interesting. It looks to me like he's demonstrating a contempt for laws. He's had a court order, and refuses to obey it. Maybe people who have gotten orders from his court should take the message to heart.
Drew Garrett
Many societies which did not have the ten commandments outlawed murder, theft, etc. The Romans had the most impact on our basic laws as they established them throughout Europe and th subsequently English law greatly influence statutes in the US.
It may be arguable whether the judge can post the commandments, but it is clear that they are not the basis for our laws.
Of this, there is NO DOUBT; and God will bless him for this....and just maybe this is the catalyst for something even greater....
I have come late into this debate. But I think it should be said, has it not yet been said....I am an Agnostic......there is nothing wrong with the Ten Commandments.
The basic rules of human behavior should be plastered over every freedom loving government building...wherever, in the world, that building takes up the space of the people who needs the intelligence within.