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To: Tumbleweed_Connection
He'll be out of the Senate in 2005 either by retirement or being beaten by Thune. That's why Thune didn't fight this.

Johnson will be taken out in 2006 by any number of statewide-elected Republicans SD.

As long as we keep the Senate, both of their days are numbered.
7 posted on 11/17/2002 2:25:14 PM PST by GraniteStateConservative
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To: Howlin; Liz; Mudboy Slim
...calling last week's Democrat election debacle a victory.

I'm swearing off Kool-Aid forever. It's much too dangerous...

14 posted on 11/17/2002 2:30:43 PM PST by Libloather
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To: GraniteStateConservative
Johnson will be taken out in 2006 by any number of statewide-elected Republicans SD.

Johnson's new term won't expire 2009.

18 posted on 11/17/2002 2:32:12 PM PST by ambrose
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To: GraniteStateConservative
"As long as we keep the Senate, both of their days are numbered."

Wish you were right, but I'm afraid South Dakota is stuck with both of them, or at least Daschle, until he no longer wants to be there.

All he has to do to remain in office is to make sure he cooks up enough fraudulant votes in advance of the count, and he's home free. He got away with it again, no one will challenge him, and now he's taunting his opposition, and their honesty and graciousness.

Look for more if it in more states next time (we're rewarding the behavior by not challenging the obvious fraud). The only hope for an actual challenge to the Daschle Sovereignty is for the entire registration/voting system to be completely overhauled and rebuilt with secure fraudproof technology. We demand it with our checks and credit cards, why not with choosing those who represent us in government and policymaking?

Oh, I forgot. Some people might be "disenfranchised....."

It's going to take a thunderous outrcy and persistant demand from the voters, loud enough to be heard over the deafness of the mainstream media.

Anyone have any specific ideas?

35 posted on 11/17/2002 3:13:40 PM PST by oprahstheantichrist
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