Update on Uncle John: (93 years old)Uncle is now home from the hospital (much to the delight of the hospital staff). They sent him home last Sunday. He misbehaved terribly while in the hospital and really gave them a hard time. His first expierience receiving an MRI left him with some feelings he had not experienced. He thought (called) it a casket. They left him in it for an hour(he claims) and finally removed him when he threatened to 'tear the thing apart'! He told them on several occasions, "I am going home, and you are not going to stop me!" They had an IV placed in his arm; an oxygen tube in his nose; and, when they installed a cathater,..that did the trick. They did not leave it in very long. A doctor walked by his door and Uncle told his wife, "You run and catch that man and tell him "I'm going home!" Of course, by the time she got to the hallway the doctor was out of sight so that gave him another excuse to complain. He told the staff, "I'm going home. I can't afford to stay in your damned expensive hotel..!" When the neurologist finally came to examine him, he told Aunt Kathleen, "At his age, I'm not going to try and do anything for him. I'll just let him go home.." (Success through perseverence.) Uncle is now at home. I talked with Aunt Kathleen this morning and he is doing pretty well. He won't use that damned walker. He moves it aside and goes for his cane. Uncle John is a 'classic'. He is a very basic man,.. very independent,.. and proud. He will be sorely missed when he does pass away, but when that happens, he will have done it HIS way. Thanks again, Jack.