See, it's their amoral, screwed up belief system, religion and culture that allows the Taliban and al-Qaeda to flourish.
Serious question here: Since its "secession" from Great Britain, the United States has had a free press, free elections, peaceful transitions of power, and applies a fundamental respect for human life and dignity. Why are none of these present in Muslim countries?
And your Klan red herring in another post is completely disengenuous. The Klan has not been any type of force in the United States in more than a generation. Furthermore, its acts of terror -- smaller in scale, i think you'd agree, than 9/11 -- are prosecuted by the American government.
Muslim terrorists, on the other hand, are encouraged and financed by Muslim governments.
Seriously, though, I'd like an answer. Muslims seem completely incapable, or supremely dis-inclined toward, self-government and the rule of law. How do you explain this?