You sound extremely vindictive against all American engineers. If you hate American engineers so much why don't you do us all a favor and pack up and move to India or China instead of bringing them all over here.
My attitude is a real old timey American can=do attitude, one that is sure of his ability to get things done, but humble in that wise ol way of learning how do to it better. For the past twenty years the typical American stumblefoot comp sci grad hasn't learned anything but how to hang on to lil' bits of nonsense as if they wuz dear life -- and most stop evolving in genuine ability after about 9 months -- that is except for their big arrogant but otherwise unoccuppied heads. What stops them (nearly) all is a falsely founded arrogance arising from fear of failure.
The same great fiat money pumps that stuffed the boardroom and corner offices full of ninny-men (and nasty-women)like some reverse liposuction, have inflated the heads of many a post 1980 programmer and analyst.
I'm sorry if calling a spade a spade offends you, but that is my own humble but long fully informed and knowledgable view.