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1 posted on 11/08/2002 5:10:53 AM PST by Stars N Stripes
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To: Stars N Stripes
2 posted on 11/08/2002 5:17:38 AM PST by S.O.S121.500
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To: Stars N Stripes
Only two more shopping days!

Semper Fi
3 posted on 11/08/2002 5:24:10 AM PST by opbuzz
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To: Stars N Stripes
General John A. Lejeune's Birthday Message (1921)

On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Since that date, many thousand men have borne the name Marine. In memory of them, it is fitting that we who are Marines should commemorate the Birthday of our Corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.

The record of our Corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organizations in the world's history. During 90 of the 146 years of its existence, the Marine Corps has been in action against the Nation's foes. From the Battle of Trenton to the Argonne, Marines have won foremost honors in war and in the long era of tranquility at home. Generation after generation of Marines have grown gray in war in both hemispheres and in every corner of the seven seas [so] that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security.

In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our Corps, Marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term "Marine" has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue.

This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have received from those who preceded us in the Corps. With it we also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our Corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines in every age. So long as that spirit continues to flourish, Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the future as they have been in the past, and the men of our Nation will regard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as "Soldiers of the Sea" since the founding of the Corps.

5 posted on 11/08/2002 5:45:02 AM PST by WhiskeyPapa
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To: Stars N Stripes
What would it take to make this guy smile?

How about a birthday celebration - at its 227 year mark, the USMC is one of the United States' oldest and most revered institutions. And despite several misguided attempts to make it disappear, it remains, as it has always been, indispensible to this nation and to all who yearn for freedom. May the USMC celebrate birthdays for another thousand years!

Semper Fi.

7 posted on 11/08/2002 6:06:02 AM PST by MarineDad
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To: Stars N Stripes

9 posted on 11/08/2002 6:17:13 AM PST by Dubya
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To: Stars N Stripes
The Marines Prayer

Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose in deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones and Thee without shame or fear. Protect my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Make me considerate of those committed to my leadership. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold. If I am inclined to doubt; steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again. Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer. Amen.

18 posted on 11/08/2002 6:32:44 AM PST by JoeSixPack1
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To: Stars N Stripes
24 posted on 11/08/2002 6:39:45 AM PST by Centurion2000
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To: Stars N Stripes

Happy birthday, United States Marine Corps
by Jim Wright, Senior Columnist of The Dallas Morning News

Sunday will be the 227th birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps, celebrated with pomp and ceremony around the world by Marines of all ages.

There are no "ex-Marines," you see, only old Marines. The pomp and ceremony may be just the raising of a glass by a couple of graying guys who served together at Guadalcanal or Chosin or Khe Sanh, but the Old Corps tie binds. It counts.

The birthplace of the Corps was, to the delight of all of us later arrivals, a tavern - Tun Tavern. The outfit being recruited there would be naval infantry, soldiers of the sea. The idea of serving in such a group was so appealing that the barkeeper himself signed up as one of the Corps' first captains. Ever since, Marines often gather in the nearest tavern, bar or base slop chute to renew this venerable link with the past.

Every Marine boot learns these vital historical facts early at San Diego or Paris Island. Or Quantico, where officer candidates are wrung out by DIs holding advanced degrees in applied discipline from those other two garden spots. The history and traditions of the corps are the base of every Marine's psychological arsenal, "as much a part of his equipment as his pack, his rifle or his ammunition," to quote that bible of the Corps, the Guidebook for Marines.

It's not just a corps, you see, it's a culture.
Even today, in these times of ethical chaos and quick-change loyalties, the effects of total immersion in this culture remain constant. They are immutable - they no doubt will be there when Marines are armed with ray guns, unchanged form the days of muzzle-loading rifles. It is a culture that works, and once you are in it, it lasts for a lifetime.

The generation that went through boot camp in the early 1940s had just come through a grinding, nationwide depression. They weren't spoiled darlings - they are the best generation of this century, I think - and even these tough kids found the Corps a hard school. But its lessons paid off for them in the Wold War II combat for which they were trained an in their later life as well.

For one thing, the Corps demands that Marines tell the truth. Not some version of the truth that depends on what your definition of it is, or the politically correct truth in vogue today, or the truth that will make the listener happy, but the real truth as the Marine knows it. This isn't trendy in this slick age, but when things get down and dirty, other Marines may have to bet their lives on what any Marine declares to be true.

We aren't talking yarns, sea stories or bar talk but serious declarations of facts. A friend of mine, taking over a rifle platoon in Vietnam, reminded his people that he required the absolute truth from every man: "If you tell me the sky is brown, I'll believe you, but if you ever lie to me, you're dead meat."

This Marine, Jim Webb, was secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration. Campaign promises had been made to restore the 500-ship fleet, and when that promise wasn't kept, Jim Webb stood up and resigned in public protest. More recently, Scott Ritter, another old Marine heading the arms inspection team in Iraq, did the same thing - planted his feet, resigned in protest to Washington's corner-cutting and told Congress and the world why.

Marines, young or old, do that. Which may not make them popular in a society given to going along to get along, but it does mean when a Marine tells you the sky is brown, you pretty well can count on its being brown. To Marines, that matters.

Another currently unfashionable attitude is embodied in the Marines' motto, "Semper Fidelis," always faithful. To their country and to other Marines. Marines know they can count on one another, know that no other Marine will sell them out, know that if they are wounded or surrounded, other Marines will strive, to the death if necessary, to come to their aid. Marines' bedrock principle of never abandoning their wounded has been demonstrated thousands of times in combat.

And never more spectacularly than at Chosin in Korea. Two regiments of the 1st Marine Division were cut off by a Red Chinese army in November 1950. Mao had ordered this army to wipe out the famed division. But the 5th and 7th Marines clenched rifle companies like a fist and punched through, as the 1st Marines fought their way in from the east. A division against an army, but the army got shredded. The Marines marched to the sea, bringing all their wounded and equipment, plus thousands of survivors from units they rescued coming out. The Marines had destroyed four Chinese divisions and driven four more from combat.

Many of these men still suffer pains every chilly day from frostbite suffered on the Chosin road. But then, now and for life, they are "proud to claim the title of United States Marine." As are we all. Happy birthday, Marines.

28 posted on 11/08/2002 6:43:47 AM PST by gunnyg
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To: Stars N Stripes

29 posted on 11/08/2002 6:51:11 AM PST by gunnyg
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To: Stars N Stripes
bump for our Marines
32 posted on 11/08/2002 7:04:35 AM PST by tutstar
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To: Stars N Stripes
I'd to wish the USMC a happy birthday and thank you guys for all you've done for this country and the cause of freedom worldwide. I'm not a Marine, nor have I ever served in the military, but I realize that every single freedom I enjoy is possible because of the sacrafices of people like you. I'm extremely grateful for that, and any American who isn't is either ignorant of history or terribly misguided. Thanks again!
43 posted on 11/08/2002 7:31:01 AM PST by Media Insurgent
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To: Stars N Stripes
Happy Birthday (well, on Sunday anyway) to all my fellow jarheads out there. Semper Fi.
48 posted on 11/08/2002 7:44:04 AM PST by XJarhead
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To: Stars N Stripes; VaBthang4; tet68

Saddle Up!

Semper Fi, gents.

59 posted on 11/08/2002 8:39:37 AM PST by The KG9 Kid
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To: Stars N Stripes
Many Happy Returns!

63 posted on 11/08/2002 8:53:39 AM PST by fourdeuce82d
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To: Stars N Stripes
Semper Fi BTTT
65 posted on 11/08/2002 9:09:48 AM PST by SuperLuminal
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To: Hap; Bacon Man
How do ya like that - Significant Other shares a birthday with the USMC!

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

70 posted on 11/08/2002 9:44:24 AM PST by Xenalyte
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To: Stars N Stripes
Happy Birthday, USMC.

One Marine, One Ship

by Vin Suprynowicz

OCT. 22, 2000

Oct. 26 falls on a Thursday this year.

Ask the significance of the date, and you're likely to draw some puzzled looks — five more days to stock up for Halloween?

It's a measure of men like Col. Mitchell Paige and Rear Adm. Willis A. "Ching Chong China" Lee that they wouldn't have had it any other way. What they did 58 years ago, they did precisely so their grandchildren could live in a land of peace and plenty.

Whether we've properly safeguarded the freedoms they fought to leave us, may be a discussion best left for another day. Today we struggle to envision — or, for a few of us, to remember — how the world must have looked on Oct. 26, 1942. A few thousand lonely American Marines had been put ashore on Guadalcanal, a god-forsaken malarial jungle island which just happened to lie like a speed bump at the end of the long blue-water slot between New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago — the very route the Japanese Navy would have to take to reach Australia.

On Guadalcanal the Marines built an air field. And Japanese commander Isoroku Yamamoto immediately grasped what that meant. No effort would be spared to dislodge these upstart Yanks from a position that could endanger his ships during any future operations to the south. Before long, relentless Japanese counterattacks had driven supporting U.S. Navy from inshore waters. The Marines were on their own.

World War Two is generally calculated from Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939. But that's a eurocentric view. The Japanese had been limbering up their muscles in Korea and Manchuria as early as 1931, and in China by 1934. By 1942 they'd devastated every major Pacific military force or stronghold of the great pre-war powers: Britain, Holland, France, and the United States. The bulk of America's proud Pacific fleet lay beached or rusting on the floor of Pearl Harbor. A few aircraft carriers and submarines remained, though as Mitchell Paige and his 30-odd men were sent out to establish their last, thin defensive line on that ridge southwest of the tiny American bridgehead on Guadalcanal on Oct. 25, he would not have been much encouraged to know how those remaining American aircraft carriers were faring offshore.

(The next day, their Mark XV torpedoes — carrying faulty magnetic detonators reverse-engineered from a First World War German design — proved so ineffective that the United States Navy couldn't even scuttle the doomed and listing carrier Hornet with eight carefully aimed torpedoes. Instead, our forces suffered the ignominy of leaving the abandoned ship to be polished off by the enemy ... only after Japanese commanders determined she was damaged too badly to be successfully towed back to Tokyo as a trophy.)

As Paige — then a platoon sergeant — and his riflemen set about carefully emplacing their four water-cooled Brownings, it's unlikely anyone thought they were about to provide the definitive answer to that most desperate of questions: How many able-bodied U.S. Marines does it take to hold a hill against 2,000 desperate and motivated attackers?

The Japanese Army had not failed in an attempt to seize any major objective since the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. Their commanders certainly did not expect the war to be lost on some God-forsaken jungle ridge manned by one thin line of Yanks in khaki in October of 1942.

But in preceding days, Marine commander Vandegrift had defied War College doctrine, "dangling" his men in exposed positions to draw Japanese attacks, then springing his traps "with the steel vise of firepower and artillery," in the words of Naval historian David Lippman.

The Japanese regiments had been chewed up, good. Still, the American forces had so little to work with that Paige's men would have only the four 30-caliber Brownings to defend the one ridge through which the Japanese opted to launch their final assault against Henderson Field, that fateful night of Oct. 25.

By the time the night was over, "The 29th (Japanese) Infantry Regiment has lost 553 killed or missing and 479 wounded among its 2,554 men," historian Lippman reports. "The 16th (Japanese) Regiment's losses are uncounted, but the 164th's burial parties handle 975 Japanese bodies. ... The American estimate of 2,200 Japanese dead is probably too low."

Among the 90 American dead and wounded that night were all the men in Mitchell Paige's platoon. Every one. As the night wore on, Paige moved up and down his line, pulling his dead and wounded comrades back into their foxholes and firing a few bursts from each of the four Brownings in turn, convincing the Japanese forces down the hill that the positions were still manned.

The citation for Paige's Congressional Medal of Honor picks up the tale: "When the enemy broke through the line directly in front of his position, P/Sgt. Paige, commanding a machinegun section with fearless determination, continued to direct the fire of his gunners until all his men were either killed or wounded. Alone, against the deadly hail of Japanese shells, he fought with his gun and when it was destroyed, took over another, moving from gun to gun, never ceasing his withering fire."

In the end, Sgt. Paige picked up the last of the 40-pound, belt-fed Brownings — the same design which John Moses Browning famously fired for a continuous 25 minutes until it ran out of ammunition at its first U.S. Army trial — and did something for which the weapon was never designed. Sgt. Paige walked down the hill toward the place where he could hear the last Japanese survivors rallying to move around his flank, the gun cradled under his arm, firing as he went.

The weapon did not fail.

Coming up at dawn, battalion executive officer Major Odell M. Conoley first discovered the answer to our question: How many able-bodied Marines does it take to hold a hill against two regiments of motivated, combat-hardened infantrymen who have never known defeat?

On a hill where the bodies were piled like cordwood, Mitchell Paige alone sat upright behind his 30-caliber Browning, waiting to see what the dawn would bring.

One hill: one Marine.

But that was the second problem. Part of the American line had fallen to the last Japanese attack. "In the early morning light, the enemy could be seen a few yards off, and vapor from the barrels of their machine guns was clearly visible," reports historian Lippman. "It was decided to try to rush the position."

For the task, Major Conoley gathered together "three enlisted communication personnel, several riflemen, a few company runners who were at the point, together with a cook and a few messmen who had brought food to the position the evening before."

Joined by Paige, this ad hoc force of 17 Marines counterattacked at 5:40 a.m., discovering that "the extremely short range allowed the optimum use of grenades." In the end, "The element of surprise permitted the small force to clear the crest."

And that's where the unstoppable wave of Japanese conquest finally crested, broke, and began to recede. On an unnamed jungle ridge on an insignificant island no one had ever heard of, called Guadalcanal. Because of a handful of U.S. Marines, one of whom, now 82, lives out a quiet retirement with his wife Marilyn in La Quinta, Calif.

But while the Marines had won their battle on land, it would be meaningless unless the U.S. Navy could figure out a way to stop losing night battles in "The Slot" to the northwest of the island, through which the Japanese kept sending in barges filled with supplies and reinforcements for their own desperate forces on Guadalcanal.

The U.S. Navy had lost so many ships in those dreaded night actions that the waters off Savo were given the grisly sailor's nickname by which they're still known today: Ironbottom Sound.

So desperate did things become that finally, 18 days after Mitchell Paige won his Congressional Medal of Honor on that ridge above Henderson Field, Admiral Bull Halsey himself broke a stern War College edict — the one against committing capital ships in restricted waters. Gambling the future of the cut-off troops on Guadalcanal on one final roll of the dice, Halsey dispatched into the Slot his two remaining fast battleships, the USS South Dakota and the USS Washington, escorted by the only four destroyers with enough fuel in their bunkers to get them there and back.

In command of the 28-knot battlewagons was the right man at the right pla4ce, gunnery expert Rear Adm. Willis A. "Ching Chong China" Lee. Lee's flag flew aboard the Washington, in turn commanded by Captain Glenn Davis.

Lee was a nut for gunnery drills. "He tested every gunnery-book rule with exercises," Lippman writes, "and ordered gunnery drills under odd conditions — turret firing with relief crews, anything that might simulate the freakishness of battle."

As it turned out, the American destroyers need not have worried about carrying enough fuel to get home. By 11 p.m. on Nov. 13, outnumbered better than three-to-one by a massive Japanese task force driving down from the northwest, every one of the four American destroyers had been shot up, sunk, or set aflame, while the South Dakota — known throughout the fleet as a jinx ship — managed to damage some lesser Japanese vessels but continued to be plagued with electrical and fire control problems.

"Washington was now the only intact ship left in the force," Lippman writes. "In fact, at that moment Washington was the entire U.S. Pacific Fleet. She was the only barrier between (Admiral) Kondo's ships and Guadalcanal. If this one ship did not stop 14 Japanese ships right then and there, America might lose the war. ...

"On Washington's bridge, Lieutenant Ray Hunter still had the conn. He had just heard that South Dakota had gone off the air and had seen (destroyers) Walke and Preston "blow sky high." Dead ahead lay their burning wreckage, while hundreds of men were swimming in the water and Japanese ships were racing in.

"Hunter had to do something. The course he took now could decide the war. 'Come left,' he said, and Washington straightened out on a course parallel to the one on which she (had been) steaming. Washington's rudder change put the burning destroyers between her and the enemy, preventing her from being silhouetted by their fires.

"The move made the Japanese momentarily cease fire. Lacking radar, they could not spot Washington behind the fires. ...

"Meanwhile, Washington raced through burning seas. Everyone could see dozens of men in the water clinging to floating wreckage. Flag Lieutenant Raymond Thompson said, "Seeing that burning, sinking ship as it passed so close aboard, and realizing that there was nothing I, or anyone, could do about it, was a devastating experience.'

"Commander Ayrault, Washington's executive officer, clambered down ladders, ran to Bart Stoodley's damage-control post, and ordered Stoodley to cut loose life rafts. That saved a lot of lives. But the men in the water had some fight left in them. One was heard to scream, 'Get after them, Washington!' "

Sacrificing their ships by maneuvering into the path of torpedoes intended for the Washington, the captains of the American destroyers had given China Lee one final chance. The Washington was fast, undamaged, and bristling with 16-inch guns. And, thanks to Lt. Hunter's course change, she was also now invisible to the enemy.

Blinded by the smoke and flames, the Japanese battleship Kirishima turned on her searchlights, illuminating the helpless South Dakota, and opened fire. Finally, standing out in the darkness, Lee and Davis could positively identify an enemy target.

The Washington's main batteries opened fire at 12 midnight precisely. Her new SG radar fire control system worked perfectly. Between midnight and 12:07 a.m., Nov. 14, the "last ship in the U.S. Pacific Fleet" stunned the battleship Kirishima with 75, 16-inch shells. For those aboard the Kirishima, it rained steel.

In seven minutes, the Japanese battleship was reduced to a funeral pyre. She went down at 3:25 a.m., the first enemy sunk by an American battleship since the Spanish-American War. Stunned, the remaining Japanese ships withdrew. Within days, Yamamoto and his staff reviewed their mounting losses and recommended the unthinkable to the emperor — withdrawal from Guadalcanal.

But who remembers, today, how close-run a thing it was — the ridge held by a single Marine, the battle won by the last American ship?

In the autumn of 1942.

When the Hasbro Toy Co. called up some years back, asking permission to put the retired colonel's face on some kid's doll, Mitchell Paige thought they must be joking.

But they weren't. That's his mug, on the little Marine they call "GI Joe."

And now you know.

75 posted on 11/08/2002 12:45:51 PM PST by ArrogantBustard
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To: Stars N Stripes
This was sent from a friend and written by Andrew W. ODonnell Jr. Col USMC

"The United States Marine Corps is more than 227 years of romping, stomping death and destruction. Marines are the finest fighting force this world has ever known.

As a Marine I was born in a foxhole. My mother is Anger and my father is Pain. Each moment that I live is a deadly threat upon the life of my country's enemies. I'm a rough-looking, tough-talking soldier of the sea, but if you can do it, it ain't bragging. I'm cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and I will not know the meaning of fear, for I am fear itself. I own the very ground upon which I stand.

I am a green amphibious monster made of blood and guts and know-how, who arose from the sea to prey upon America's enemies across the globe. I feed upon anti-Americanism wherever it may arise -- their hatred of me only makes me grow stronger.

When my time comes, I will die a glorious death on either the battlefield of combat or the battlefield of life, giving all I am for my God, my country, and my Corps. My death will buy my sons and daughters one more generation of freedom.

We live like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the crap out of both. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy and the rope from the Army. On the seventh day, while God rested, we overran His perimeter, "borrowed" the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. Killer by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice. . . .Marine By God!"

Semper Fi Fellow Jarheads and Happy Birthday Marine Corps.

USMC 1986-1992

78 posted on 11/08/2002 2:46:47 PM PST by labusiness
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To: Stars N Stripes

Semper Fi. MOS 7051 (1977-1980)

82 posted on 11/08/2002 3:19:30 PM PST by csvset
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