Whether or not those in ancient times believed in ID were Christian or not has nothing to do with whether or not ID is based in a belief in God.
"In addition, the question of whether ID is religious or not is immaterial."
Are you denying that ID is based in religion? Are you denying that the I in ID is God?
"The inextricable specific complexity of organisms makes it impossible to change them by chance."
Whether or not those in ancient times believed in ID were Christian or not has nothing to do with whether or not ID is based in a belief in God.
Of course it does. It shows that it is a scientific conclusion not arrived by religious beliefs which is what the evolutionists are FALSELY asserting.
The question is whether ID is true or false. As I have said this is scientifically verifiable therefore it is a scientific question which needs to be answered before evolution can claim itself to be true. That evolutionists instead of answering the challenge instead try to dismiss ID out of hand shows quite well that the propositions made by ID are absolutely correct - life, the Universe, the creation of species cannot be accounted for by materialistic means. That is why evolutionists whenever asked to scientifically back up their theories only answer with rhetoric and insults. There is no science to evolution. "In addition, the question of whether ID is religious or not is immaterial." Are you denying that ID is based in religion? Are you denying that the I in ID is God? "The inextricable specific complexity of organisms makes it impossible to change them by chance." Why?