"I found him to be one of the nicest, polite, kind, warm, giving -- he was the epitome of the finest young man," Maybe he was at one time, but kids grow up, he is a sadistic sociopathic miscreant, who diserves far greater and painful punishment than our constitution allows. SOmething he decided his victims were not worthy of. And what is up with his "wife"? She marries him while he is in prison on drug charges, and then he does this, and she wants this sicaphant to have contact with her child? Lady, whar are you thinking? "Oh so that's how you rape the white bitches daddy?" You just need help woman!
The spawn of these idiot sluts and the pyschopaths who impregnate them are the bane of the nation. Swarming out of the ghettos they prey virtually undetered upon the law abiding populance which subsidizes their very existence. Most of the murder and mayhem is ignored because they rape and pillage other Blacks. Only when a particularly hideous display of depravity and vicousness occurs does a light get reluctantly shown on them.
Much of this evil I blame on the presstitutes which refuse to tell the truth if it cannot be twisted into a politically correct way.
The dumb ole bitch testifying would likely have become a victim when St. Reginald decided he wanted something she had.