Read the book "Stinger",written in the late eighties. The opening chapter is what happened to 800. Small boat using a Stinger shooting down a 747 headed to Europe. Too bad the Navy did it disinformation program diverted attention away from the possible. There were a fair number of that type here on FR.
...Col. DONALDSON came out immediately and screamed out that a "STINGER" Missile took down TWA Flight 800.
...He later amended that to say that a larger U.S. Navy-Sized Missile, most likely floating on the surface of the Atlantic, was/were fired by remote control.
...Regardless, lets go to MOTIVE and TIMING, shall we...?
...HILLARY RODHAM walked ..the very next day after TWA FLIGHT 800 was downed and did not get nailed for FBI Filegate.
...Early this year Senators TORRICELLI and WELLSTONE were told by Friend of HILLARY DNC Chairman TERRY MacAULIFFE not to run for a 3rd Term. They both ran. BIG MISTAKE.
...I guess now ..they both aren't...?
...Today.. reporting that Friend of HILLARY (and better Friend of BILL CLINTON) ..BARBRA STRIESAND is saying that PAUL WELLSTONE's plane going down was not accident.
...BARBARA STRIESAND further states that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is responsible for the Death of PAUL WELLSTONE.
...For years the Friends of HILLARY RODHAM have been blaming US for everything bad that THEY themselves have been guilty of.
For the 1,000th time ..won't someone please explain to me the Timing of WHY TWA Flight 800 just had to go down at the best of all possible times for the Protection of HILLARY RODHAM...
before some more unforutnate planes just have to go down...?