Dare I say it again?... Every individual human life, including the scam hypocrite using the 'hypocrisy' twist to assault truth and life, began at conception. That is a scientific fact that even the disrupter is unable to refute. At some point after conception, the beginning of a new individual life, a pregnancy occurs and life support for an already existing, growing individual human begins. Abortion of ANY kind kills an individual human being, already alive but terminated. THAT is serial killing as practiced in this nation. THAT is what we must continue to strive against.
Agitprops like 'end the hypocrisy' are hypocrites from the start, coming to FR as closet serial killer champions, masquerading as reasonable debaters. There is nothing, repeat NOTHING, reasonable about murdering an alive, growing, able to learn, individual human being sequestered in a woman's womb. To try and make something reasonable out of such murderous assault is absurd on the face of it. Now, should this nation be doing a whole lot more to support and aid any woman with a child to whom she is giving life support? Absolutely, and to move in that direction cannot be accomplished by supporting and championing the murder of innocent individual human beings. Thus the disrupter in question is in fact a gross hypocrite.