I personally don't care what color any of those involved are/were. It was a brutal crime regardless of race or hate laws. This deserved media attention because of the heinous nature of the crime. Whether they hated the victims because they were white or the Carr brothers are sadistic bastards is irrelevant. Four people are still dead and charging them with a hate crime won't change that.
These men (and I use that term loosely) are animals and should be treated as such. No, I take that back...they shouldn't be treated as humanely as animals.
so much that practically nobody outside of Free Republic knows about it.
I seriously doubt it would be that way if the victims were black.
Imagine if they were white and their victims were black. It would have been wall to wall media coverage on every network and in every newspaper in the country.
I last checked on Wednesday (10/30/2002) and their search engines still don't know nuttin about no |"Reginald Carr"| or |"Wichita" and "Carr"| or |"Heather Muller"|.
Unbelievable. If anyone still doubts that we have commissars from the Democrat National Socialist Party running the newsrooms, this fact alone proves it.