I have posted the following notes regarding problems/conditions with other media sites (and those sites previously provided have now been excluded from the above list so that at least you will not get the same "refusal" messages. That's not to say that you won't get any, lol:
abc news, good morning america, etc.:
abc provides no email address. You must use their form to submit any emails.
They don't accept mass mailing. Here's an excerpt of their response: "There was a problem with your message. It appeared to be "bulk mail" instead of viewer comments regarding C-SPAN programming."
They won't read or print emails unless your personal info. was supplied. Here's an excerpt of their response: " . . .Please note that only letters that include the writer's full name, postal mailing address, and day and nighttime telephone numbers will be read and considered for publication. . . .",
They do not accept/consider mass mailings. Here's their response, in part:
". . . Letters should be no longer than 150 words and may be shortened to fit allotted space. They must be exclusive to The Times and refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days. Letters must include the writer's address and daytime and evening phone numbers (not for publication).
Viewpoints will not publish letters unless personal info. is supplied. Here's their response, also in part:
". . . To be considered for publication, letters must include the writer's name, full address, and daytime phone number for verification only. . . . All letters are subject to editing."
Will not accept mass e-mails or letters to multiple addresses. Again, another excerpt:
"When you write, please include the DATE and TITLE of the article your letter refers to in the subject-heading of your message. E-mail messages that do not address material printed in a recent issue of Newsweek are rarely considered for publication. WE CANNOT OPEN E-MAIL ATTACHMENTS of any kind, and will not consider press releases, mass e-mails or letters sent to multiple addresses."