The transcendental morality of Scripture will be used to judge the actions taken here on this planet. Justice will be done. No one is getting away with anything, they're just abusing God's mercy.
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." -Ecclesiastes 8:11
Thank you for taking the time to discuss this topic. I hope you have benefited as much as I have.
The transcendental morality of Scripture will be used to judge the actions taken here on this planet. Justice will be done. No one is getting away with anything, they're just abusing God's mercy.
Well, I suppose I can't argue with that, since it not an evidence-based conviction. However, I believe the question before the house was more along the lines of why we choose to believe what we believe about what morals should consist of. This doesn't seem altogether responsive.