Actually, here's exactly what you've been asking me...
That's a nice egalitarian sentiment, but what would would it look like in concrete practice?...
...What would you change?
I gave an answer on change, and the differences between those we can achieve and those we can't. So what is it, sir? You want what I would change or what I can change? What does it possibly matter what I *would* (i.e.wish I could) change?
Then you came back with this:
I was asking what practice YOU as a woman, in light of your "pulling together" comment, would change in the spirit of cooperation, rather than sitting back waiting for the other side to change.
To which I gave you a list of what I personally CAN and DO change. If you have the opinion that it's equivalent to "sitting back and waiting for the other side to change", well then, that's fine. You're certainly entitled to your opinion! Even those that might have unflatteriing implications. ;)
Your last comment included your offer of what I can only assume you consider a substantive plan. Here it is:
Personally, I think the first step would be a common communications format: logic
Bravo! I agree 100%!:-)
Now, please expand on this so that, "in the spirit of cooperation", I can pitch in and do my share.
Tell me, sir, how do you intend to force others to use logic? Which, in this day and age, is about the most monumentally ambitious CHANGE to wish to impose on others. Can you be quite sure you even systematically use logic yourself?
Having everyone communicate logically may be what you WOULD (i.e. Wish to) make happen but it's not something you CAN make happen.
So, in reality, what you stated is not a substantive plan but actually a "high-minded platitude" . I'm afraid your next logical step is to start wringing your hands...
What I do is refuse to interact substantively with people unless what they have to say stands up to logical analysis. I don't have to make it perfect, and it's infantile to expect I should.
It has worked quite well once the various women in my life ( I point to women in this instance because they have been most resistant to logic as it's very hard to "spin.") become convinced that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and swims like a duck, there better be a logical explaination as to why I should not understand it to be a duck. If they can't do that, they are immediately discounted.