Personal responsibility should be the principle. What a bunch of idiot beaurocrats do should be the least of our worries. Parents who want their children safe will not rely on the decisions of the public school administrators to pull their children from an obviously dangerous situation.
This could be a blessing. This might induce some parents to start taking the responsibility of protecting their children more seriously.
Sending them away to places other than their own loving protective homes is dangerous. Let the public schools close. Forever.
If this causes more people to home school and educate their children themselves and become less dependent on an over regulating, over burdonsome government ... that is good.
In my post number 280 I refer to this type of effect. These events will ultimately lead to good things ... it's just a matter IMHO of how much hardship and adversity we pass through before we get there and figure it out. Such is the case with any principle or undertaking or goal or prize of truly great worth. Our liberty, based on those rights endowed upon us by the Creator is such a jewel.