Lest we forget Smokes For Votes too.
Milwaukee has been corrupt for decades.
Tommy Thompson, I miss you!!!!!
Now I DARE you to top that.
Tommy is the one who gave us our present deficiet, McCallum recognizes the problem and has campaigned accordinly, unfortunately reality is not going to embraced at the polls.
Yeah right...now his dumb ass brother is gonna pull a Ross Perot and deliver us up to Doyle...the guy that wants to have every cartridge and every primer owner charged with felonies unless they are for single shot rifles.... Not to mention Doyle's inability/unwillingness as a prosecutor to go after certain crooked democrats?
That makes one of us. Our illustrious Sec. of HHS told fast food joints this week that they should provide healthier choices on their menus. Helloooo!!!! They should provide whatever their customers will buy the most of. Their obligation is to their stockholders, not a clueless bureaucrat.
Tommy is also the one who, while calling himself a conservative, continued to spend this state into a hole that it won't easily get out of. Now McCallum is the one who gets to carry the torch of mess clean-up. Talk about hanging your right-hand man out to dry.
Doyle is the dirtiest of all of them in the news right now. He gets his buddies to press charges against all of his political opposition, yet he's going to cruise into the governor's office doing the very same things he's had these guys charged with (using state-paid staff to do campaign work). McCallum better grow a spine but quick and call this @$$hole on the carpet, or you can stick a fork in us - this state is done.
Believe me, Tommy is NOT the answer.