This had to have been scoped out well in advance by a person thinking "getaway".
These shooters seem to be very meticulous (almost diabolical) in choosing escape routes. By process of elimination, Rt. 7 east seems to me most likely.
Which takes them toward the big mosque xsmommy was talking about.
They know from Friday they have only a few minutes (5? 10? 15?) before the police begin swarming the area and installing roadblocks on all major roads. So where did they stop?
This is an Arab hit team working. Gotta be. This is no young-urban-failure, no Phineas-priest type, and no teeny thrill killer (though the Tarot card still sounds like it -- unless it was disinformation). Meanwhile, the same thing is going on in Kuwait, with loser assassins engaging armed Marines there. Plug it in, guys.
This is starting to sound real bad.