The perps of 911 did this regularly to fit into the society and look like anything but what they were.
So, we cannot let the Tarot card be the issue that sways us on this. If it is a cell of terrorists, that could easily be a ruse of feint.
Same with the hhite van. The shooter could simply wait until a white van of some sort appears on the scene before taking the shot. In that urban area, they ould not have to ait long. In such a y they could sue our own information against us very effectively. They may have used it to begin with, but no more. If it is terrorists, they probably have (like fir the 911) little or no limit on funds.
The way this sniper has acted has been exceedingly cool and has been exceedingly successful in creating terror. We cannot, we dare not underestimate them. IMHO, it is clearly not some kind of a "whack-job". It is much more like a stone cold professional, not attached emotionally, going about what he/they consider a "job" behind enemy lines. The shoot and scoot, using one shot in an urban environment to insure their own egress and then very cooly walk/drive away and simply blend in.
Whom ever it is is acring much more like a Special Forces group on a mission than any whack-job or serial killer IMHO.
Now it could be a killer with those skills. But the more I hear and see, the more I think not. Partricularly with an accomplice. Just my opinion, and I hope I am wrong ... but if it is a terrorist, I believe they are creating a "play book" for others to use in the future.
I hope and pray I am absolutely wrong.
AG says:
What would you do if you were an Al Qaeda terrorist? Go slinking around the D.C. area trying to make the locals too afraid to pump their own gas, or go blow up the Limelight in New York so that people nationwide are too afraid to step into an entertainment venue... I'm sorry, but Al Qaeda simply has never given the slightest evidence that they think on such a mundane scale.
then tk says:
the pali versions like to make buses go boom,
usually in low to mid income areas ...
btw, given the recent humiliation of Yasshole,
i've not seen anyone mention pali symps as a possibility here.
hmmmm ...
thoughts ?
This is NOT a homegrown whack job or disgrumbled Michael's employee or GI flunkie from sniper way. This is not someone who is merely psychotic and getting some kind of woody from killing people at random. Nope, this is being done by a stone cold, hardened professional who is ON A MISSION. He (or more likely, they) is doing what he has prepared to do since coming into the US to work at some nondescript job. He has been activated. What scares me is that his mission is being so successful that this will be noted by the enemy leaders. For less than a box of cartridges, he (they) has incapacitated the capital of the US. He will be caught, and then the truth will be known...and then, as the poster says, "I hope Allah's wearing kevlar!"