To: forest
I was at the site of the killing of Pascal Charlot, the black Haitian, on Georgia Ave. in D.C. today. (I happened to be running an errand a couple of blocks north of the site.) Guess what? Three or four blocks north of where Charlot was when the bullet hit him is a Ramada Inn, also on Georgia Ave. (There was a Ramada Inn right across the street from yesterday's shooting. Law enforcement, according to today's Washington Post, was interested by the proximity of motels in several recent shootings of the sniper.) I didn't see balconies, but, because Georgia Ave. goes downhill as you go southwards towards where Charlot was, you would have a clear line of sight to him from the roof and from the upper stories of the Ramada Inn. And because the Ramada Inn is in Montgomery County, MD, whereas Charlot was just barely inside D.C., investigating the crime if the shooting was from the Ramada Inn would present jurisdictional difficulties.
To: aristeides; archy
The Ramada Inn connection is interesting. Thanks for your eyewitness report. I hope you weren't loitering. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson