A real pro would have a 10/10 kill record along with 10/10 getaways.
I would imagine this makes the sniper a gifted amateur on the presumption that 8/10 and 10/10 is beyond the probability that the casual serial killer with this degree of boldness would get.
One outlier that may be worth examining more closely is the lady who was wounded in the back. Not only did she survive, but according to reports she was released from the hospital. What is different with this case? In particular, can it be ascertained that the sniper was far away when the shot was fired, and the bullet lost energy before it hit, or was it simple bad aim from close up? The former might yield the "500 yard" conjecture; the latter, a distinct temporary lapse in skill on the part of the shooter, UNLESS there is more than one sniper...
Maybe something as simple as she moved just as he was pulling the trigger..
Unless it was intentional shoot-to-wound in those two cases. Perhaps to show the shooter(s) has/have Godlike powers to select who lives and who dies.
Anti-Bullet Bra w/heavy duty backstraps. ;-)
That's my guess. Two shooters. Makes it less likely for one to turn the other in if both have killed? One may be better than the other, thus does most of the shooting.