Thank you. It's about time someone else stated the obvious. Bleh, we are so vulnerable. I wrote the following last night after waking from a 3 hour nap (you know how the brain works right upon waking). Didn't get one reply which I interpret to mean it simply scared the s out of people. Oh well.
From last night
This is but another attack designed to show Americans their Government is helpless to protect them. I think it's time to get worried. Do you people ever stop to think how many lives have been affected by USA intervention in foreign wars. From Serbia to Somalia we have been the world's cop. Al Qaeda and Hussein have so many to choose from for this assignment. And the fear, the economic loss is enough to make a country Surrender. This country could not hold up very long under the strain of seeing several Sarajevo quality Bosnian or Serbian snipers working different cities. It would be unholy hell for the city inhabitants. Talk about economic dislocation. Starbucks=Gone, and so many more. Retail economic activity goes to -0-. I am for the first time thinking seriously of bailing now on the markets. This could be it, Armageddon for the USA. This is bad. We aren't squaring ourselves at all to the existences some people have lived outside this country and their life experiences. To lose family members one by one in a war such as the siege of Sarajevo or Grozny Chechnya or 91 Iraq, these murderers have to be cold hearted to the bone.
You wanted to know how Hussein would fight to survive. Your looking at it. And the sad part is, this is not going to be hard to do from their perspective and we will suffer mightily. It's like our leaders are the head after the toe just got smacked. It hasn't reached the brain yet but the pain is there. Weapons of mass destruction my butt. Gimme a couple of well schooled sniper teams. I'm scared and that's the point. Too easy. If this doesn't enter the debate I will just be shocked to hell. This is a very shrewd and decisive move by Hussein or Al Qaeda. Definitely the first "Check" of the match. I guess Europe always understood the risk and this is why they have sucked up to the ME. I'm afraid America will play this match to the end, however unpleasant. The next step will probably be mass deportations. To which many more haters of America will be born. To think we have let in thousands of Somalis, Iraqis, Serbs, Bosnians and others from war torn regions to be settled among us. These folks are good folks, but if only 1% were bad, that's enough to cause a huge problem. It's a problem with no solution. I suspect this problem will be too large for the government to get a handle on, so they will rush to war so as to kill the backers as quickly as possible. Snipers and Oil Tanker attacks. Both designed to bring down the economy. You wanted war. THIS IS WAR BABY.
To: kinghorse
What is it you suggest that we do surrender? That we apologize for all the wrongs that they think we have done them? Maybe if we pay reparations to them? Maybe we give them Israel?
Should we junk what's left of our constiution and everybody in the country convert and go by the laws of Islam? That's their ultimate goal. You can't appease fanatics. They tried it with Hilter. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson