She's talking about the lack of cooperation between foreign and domestic intelligence gathering. Failures allowed suspected Al Quada members from being tracked as they entered, left, and re-entered the country.
She said: As terrorism threats increased in late 90s, the intelligence communities treated everything as priorities, didn't distinguish between most and least important needs.
Panel Goss introduces, with all their titles:
Warren Rudman, Judge Louis Freeh, Mary Jo White, Dr. Paul blah blah, (didn't catch it), With this many on the panel, even if they are sworn in, won't get grilled good enough to suit us. "I do" they swear. "yuck yuck", I say.
Opening statements: (I'll recap without barf alerts) Rudman: I want to talk about roles of intelligence communities for the 21st Century. Nevermind, Rudman is going to boast how brilliant he and Gary Hart were in the study they did for the congress, before they knew who would be elected in 2000.
Rudman says our conclusion was we needed a Homeland Security Agency. ..Because we were aware of an increased threat from was obvious.
(((Maybe the news channels will flip to show the hearings live when Freeh testifies. Rudman's opening statement is such a self-serving bunch of crap, my brain shut down. )))
She's the Reno MiniMe
Congressional hearings are always a joke