While I was about to reply in much the same manner as Balrog666, I will try not to. It's just so difficult to "debate" (your word, not mine, as this is hardly an actual "debate") you and your silly notions. Your grasp of some basic scientific concepts is nil.[bolding-by-balrog]
In the very act of making the statements that he did, JavaTheHutt shows that he knows nothing of science. Do you now expect me to take on the responsibility to educating him up to the third grade level so that I can then demonstrate why he is wrong?
How much science do I have to cram into his brainwashed mind so that he will understand what "thermodynamics", or "entropy", or even "granite" really is. Do you expect him to sit still and eagerly learn from me when he has, somehow, managed to avoid learning all of the science education put before him in his life and now has a vested interest in not learning it?
Finally, the questions/statements he made are a standard list of the most popular, 19th-century creationist arguments. They've been made and answered many times (which he well knew) and the answers can be looked up easily on the internet (and are even available on some creationist sites that try to get people to stop using arguments based on ignorance).
On the other hand, if you have something you wish to discuss, by all means, bring it up.