No. the second law says the total entropy of system plus surroundings must increase in a spontaneous process. Entropy is a very carefully defined quantity which can loosely be associated with disorder, but what matters is that the total entropy changes. So, for example, there is no problem with beautifully ordered ice crystals growing spontaneously from a freezing fog, because in doing so they emit heat, which in flowing into the air disorders it. And there is no problem with a small amount of order (life) arising in the presence of a massive increase in disorder (the massive emisison of light and heat by the sun.)
Moving on down. Anywhere and everywhere on earth where granite is found, it contains mica. Mica is composed of 3 different isotopes polonium-210, polonium-218, and polonium-214. The shortest lived of these has a half life measure in at less than 0.002 seconds. The longest half-life is 3 minutes. This means that the granite was fully formed in a timeframe between a maximum of 21 minutes and a minimum of less than 1/2 second. Granite could not possibly take 300 million years to form, as evolutionists would like to believe. Science itself has proven the very notion to be silly and ridiculous.
See any polonium there?
And think about this. If mica was polonium, and polonium decays with a half life of 21 minutes, then if the granite is even a day old, there wouldn't be any polonium left, will there?
Etc. Don't they teach science in school any more?