This is true. Democrats' strength is finding the most remotely-acceptable limit of law. What they have done here is totally circumvent a written statute. What many do not realize in the republican camp is that they have exposed themselves as de-regulators.
Think about it folks. The primary system was created and pushed by democrats. The return of the "smoke filled room" is something democrats have whaled about and whined about in order to force public primary (and eventually OPEN primary) elections for their benefit.
Now the rats have shown that primaries are meaningless and pointless. Republicans with an ounce of testosterone would seize upon this moment to call for the end of primary elections and go back to convention nominations, etc. Saving massive amounts of dollars in the process, by the way.
Whether my suggestion is even close or not...we must remember that the democrats' sucker punch leaves "something" open. We just need to identify it, be patient, and look for the next opening to counter.
If nothing else, we can ask them HOW they expect us to follow through with CFR when they can't even respect current law.