To: KatherineHarris4Congress; All
Katherine did very well on Todaym Matt kept interuppting but she shone through as being very real & decent.
She was on Sean Hannity's radio show this afternoon, and was quite good. I missed most of it because of the shootings in my area, what with press conferences and all, but for a complete report see Meredith.
She also confirmed that she is pro-life, which we knew, although if she wasn't you know I wouldn't be here doing this! ;0)
To: katherineisgreat
Yes, the interview with Sean Hannity went extremely well, as well as very long, but that's an extra bonus. For those of you that have cable, she's gonna be on Hannity and Colmes tonight at 9:30 for a showdown with Colmes.
If you have questions about the Hannity interview, fire away, and I'll try my best to answer them! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson