The cool thing about paleontology is that, for all its shortcoming, it works with real historical data points. When the scenario plays out that evolution predicts something should be out there, and creation "science" scoffs that gaps are forever, and the something is found, that's the march of science.
It isn't as if the fossil whales are the only such case.
"We're finding more and more dramatic evidence by the day that major changes have occurred in both appearance and adaptation," said Domning. "It's no longer a matter of theory. We have actual bones in hand representing all phases of the evolution, from land animal to sea animal, in different groups of animals."Legged Sea Cow Found in Jamaica.
Every answer brings new questions. The Luddites and AndrewC ignore the new knowledge and trumpet the new questions. Well, Luddites will be Luddites ...
Your Ad Hominem is noted and is justification to declare your argument brain-dead. In any case, questions are what torpedoed the
That is funny! 'Different trees happen'! I thought these folk were supposed to be scientists. How did it 'happen'? Their crayons went out of control?????????????
Also, I find your statement 'Different molecular studies draw different trees all the time' quite an admission from an evolutionist. I thought evolutionists claim that molecular analysis proves evolution? If you get different results from different studies then obviously there is no molecular clock, molecular analysis disproves evolution and all this tree drawing is a bunch of nonsense by adults playing with crayons.