If it had business being in German in 1945, it had business being in Rwanda in 1985. Genocide is genocide, whether executed by Nazis against Jews, or by Hutus against Tutsis. If we are morally bound to protect the weak and defenseless, then we have an equal right to go where that obligation takes us.
Why risk American or anyone elses lives on these ancient tribal vendettas?
Because they result in the mass slaughter of other human beings.
As soon as you leave ... they go right back to what they did before.
Then you don't leave.
Has 4 subsequent invasions of Haiti, over the past 150 years, changed Haiti for a better place?
Probably. But the effort is not complete because we left before the job was done.
Or are you saying the US needs to be a welfare state for the third world?
I'm saying that we are in a position to eliminate the false obstacles that prevent these dust holes from advancing into self-sufficiency and the 21st century. Once they've reached a point where they can provide for their people, we step back and let nature take its course. But we can always return if the crap starts up again.
Face it, there are some "cultures" that will have to be dragged into civilization kicking and screaming. We have the power to do it. We have the right to do it. We have the opportunity to do it.
It's time to do it.