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Permissive Parenting Contributed to killing of Jesse Dirkhising (homosexual violence alert)
C&F Report ^ | September 26, 2002 | Alyson Smith

Posted on 09/30/2002 3:27:34 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy

Permissive Parenting Contributed to Killing of Jesse Dirkhising - Parents didn’t mind him spending time with homosexual men - By Allyson Smith

Jesse Dirkhising 7th grade yearbook photo Lincoln Middle School Second of two parts

The following is the second of a two-part article commemorating the third anniversary of the sadistic rape-killing of Jesse Dirkhising, a 13-year-old boy from Prairie Grove, Arkansas, on September 26, 1999. Young Jesse was found near death at the apartment of 33-year-old family friend and hairdresser Davis Carpenter, after a night of grotesque sodomitic abuse at the hands of Carpenter’s 22-year-old homosexual lover, Joshua Brown. (Carpenter used notes to guide Brown in the sadistic rituals.) For the sake of decency, many of the gruesome details surrounding the killing of Jesse had to be edited out of this and last week’s article. (A fuller, more graphic, version of this piece is available on, published September 23, 2002.) The Web site of Americans for Truth also contains more information on the Dirkhising case.

* * *

Joshua Brown was tried and convicted on charges of capital murder and rape of 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising in March 2001 and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

During the trial, prosecutors called nearly 25 witnesses and presented more than 100 items of evidence, including nylon rope, petroleum jelly jars, a douche bottle, crumpled duct tape, feces- and vomit-covered shirts and underwear, prescription pill bottles, and photos of items that were used to sodomize the child, according to news reports.

Police also confiscated several notes that Davis Carpenter, Brown’s accomplice and older homosexual lover, wrote describing how to sedate and sodomize children (both Jesse and a neighborhood girl).

One three-page note, addressed to "Baby," Carpenter’s pet name for Brown, contained a graphic sexual assault fantasy about a little neighbor girl: "I saw your 10-year-old blonde whore this morning. ... Her bus comes by at 7:20 or 7:30."

"Keep an eye on her to catch the first opportunity to talk to her — In the back window & whammo! Oh yeah!"

Benton County Circuit Court Judge David Clinger, who presided over Brown’s trial, called the written accounts of bondage, drugging, gagging and blindfolding "a blueprint for child rape."

JESSE’S POLITICALLY CORRECT PARENTS During cross examination at the trial, evidence came to light that Jesse’s parents had permissive attitudes toward homosexuality and drug use — and the fact that Jesse was hanging out with older homosexual lovers.

"[Jesse’s mother] Tina Yates, to our shock and dismay, testified on cross-examination that she was well aware that Carpenter and Brown were homosexuals and had no issue with them or homosexuality in general," said Robert C. Balfe, the lead prosecuting attorney for Benton County, Arkansas, in a post-conviction interview with C&F Report.

"If Jesse wanted to be a homosexual, that was fine with her. In fact, a homosexual minister had married her and Jesse’s stepfather, Miles Yates. Tina considered Carpenter and Brown ‘family’ and they all spent considerable time together at each other’s residences."

Miles Yates reiterated his wife’s testimony that he was aware that Carpenter and Brown were homosexuals and drug users but said those facts didn’t bother him "so long as it was not around the family," and stated that he was not averse to using drugs "at home with me or someone you’re comfortable with."

He also testified that he had met Carpenter about seven years prior to his stepson’s death via his own friendship with a homosexual lover of Carpenter’s and that he would allow only "a decent person — an upstanding citizen" to watch Jesse or his siblings overnight.

"This testimony was so out-of-step with any reasonable person’s views on family that it alienated [Tina], and by default, Jesse, from the jury," Balfe said.

A 14-year-old female friend of Jesse’s also testified that Jesse had been seen the week prior to his death being injected with methamphetamine by a 43-year-old female neighbor of Brown’s and Carpenter’s, unsupervised by either of the men.

GRANDMOTHER TOLD TO MIND OWN BUSINESS One family member who was not comfortable with Jesse’s friendship with the two homosexuals was his step-grandmother, Betty Yates.

In a 1999 interview with, Yates said, "The parents put him in a situation he shouldn’t have been in. They knowingly let him spend weekends with the two guys knowing they were gay. Jesse was a typical 13-year-old good kid. You do not put a 13-year-old child into a situation like that. It had been going on for about two months and he had told them he did not want to go back."

Betty Yates told that some months prior to Jesse’s death, Tina Yates said she was excited that the gay couple had taken an interest in her son.

"I said, ‘Do they not have kids’? And she said, ‘Well, they’re two guys, they’re gay.’ When they left, I said to my husband, ‘Do you know what they’re doing?’ But he’s real big on minding your own business. Now I’m sorry I didn’t pursue it. We shouldn’t have minded our own business that time. It was a horrible death that could have been prevented."

Balfe, the prosecutor, told C&F Report, "It was extremely important to me that the jury stay focused on the real issue of the trial, the rape and murder of Jesse, and not be distracted by any side issues, such as whether this case was the subject of a conspiracy by the national media to hide homosexual hate crimes.

"Jesse was not attacked because he was heterosexual, he was attacked because he was a child. The defendants were pedophiles and had an unnatural desire to engage in the violent rape of children," he said. "I have my personal opinions on whether homosexuality is a sexual deviance that makes other types of sexual deviance such as pedophilia more likely to occur among homosexuals, but that is separate and apart from my prosecution of this crime."

Balfe said that the defendants’ homosexual conduct was "self-evident" and added, "I didn’t stay away from the homosexual angle in this case to be politically correct."

FAMILY BREAKDOWN LED TO TROUBLES Teen pregnancy, divorce, fatherlessness and childhood abuse all played a part in the Jesse Dirkhising tragedy.

Jesse’s and Joshua Brown’s mothers were both 17 when they gave birth to their sons. "Both mothers had their children too young, and both failed to nurture and protect," said public defender Louis Lim. Carpenter’s parents were also divorced.

Brown’s mother, Judith Wasson of Memphis, Tennessee, testified that Brown’s father had abandoned the family when Joshua was two years old.

Wasson said that her son had been in and out of foster homes in California and Tennessee between the ages of 9 and 11 because of physical abuse and neglect at her own hands. She also stated that her brother, who had moved into their home as a "male figure" for the family, had physically abused Joshua and sexually abused his younger sister, Jessica.

When her son Joshua was 20, Wasson said, he met Carpenter in Memphis while on the rebound after breaking up with a girlfriend.

"I did not know Josh had any homosexual tendencies until after he was arrested," she said.

Under questioning by Detective Jarod Mason, Brown admitted that he was bisexual.

VULNERABLE BOYS: EASY ‘GAY’ PREY Defense attorney Louis Lim said that Brown was a troubled, insecure teen with drug addictions when Carpenter walked into his life in 1997.

"A successful hairstylist, Carpenter was a keynote speaker at Brown’s sister’s graduation from modeling school in Mississippi. Carpenter befriended Brown and offered him a job," reported the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

When Carpenter saw Brown for the first time, "he said he [Brown] was so pretty he needed someone to lift him up," Lim told jurors.

Within two months of knowing Brown, Carpenter persuaded Brown to move away from his friends and family to Florida. Davis later manipulated Josh into a homosexual relationship by stating that four characters in the Bible (David and Jonathan, and Ruth and Naomi) were homosexual.

As he did with Brown, Carpenter worked to isolate Jesse from his family, Lim said.

Co-workers from the Regis hair salon characterized Carpenter as the stronger of the two personalities in the relationship with Brown, and said he tended to be domineering, condescending and sure of himself.

They generally described Brown as more like a teenager than a mature 22-year-old. One witness noted that Brown would generally stare at the ground in front of himself rather than looking people in the eyes, a trait evident in police transcripts and trial photographs.

Carpenter wrote housekeeping instructions to Brown and, in one note, described their relationship as "a beautiful marriage"!

JESSE’S LIFE DEVALUED BY KILLERS, JURORS In closing arguments, Prosecutor Balfe said that making a late-night run for more duct tape, picking up only two sandwiches instead of three, and leaving the child unattended all proved that Carpenter and Brown weren’t concerned about Jesse’s welfare.

Balfe also described to C&F Report the difficulty of convincing the court that Jesse’s rape was non-consensual: "I repeatedly kept telling the jury that there is no way a 13-year-old boy is going to agree to being bound, gagged with dirty underwear, and raped with numerous different objects over five hours," he said.

"The defense’s response was essentially: ‘Well, I know it’s hard to understand, but you never know what these homosexuals are going to do.’" Balfe said that a similar comment was made in the jury room.

"If this was a 13-year-old girl, there would be absolutely no issue that it was not consensual. Yet since Jesse was a boy, this was somehow understandable. It must have been ‘kinky sex.’"

Balfe told C&F Report that Jesse’s disadvantaged background fueled jurors’ beliefs that the teenager had consented to the assault: "The defense certainly devalued the victim along [socio-economic] lines. If the 13-year-old had been the son of a Wal-Mart executive (Wal-Mart is headquartered here in Bentonville), then I believe we would have had a different outcome.

"That’s why pedophiles target children from disadvantaged homes. First, they’re more likely to be successful in luring these children because the parents aren’t as vigilant. Second, juries then punish the victim because the parents are unsympathetic."

JESSE LOVED BY FAMILY, CLASSMATES During the penalty phase of Brown’s trial, members of Jesse’s families made statements to the court telling how much Jesse had meant to them and arguing for the maximum punishment for Joshua Brown.

According to local news reports, Jesse’s maternal grandmother, Paula McVey, fought back tears as she told jurors how much she and her remaining grandchildren missed Jesse.

McVey testified that Jesse’s little brother and sister, Chad and Renea Kidd, had been very close to their older brother. She said that Chad, then 9 years old, frequently cried out, "I want my brother!" and that Renea, 8, had become extremely dependent upon her remaining brother and broke into tears when separated from him for any length of time.

Chad wrote a statement to the court saying that he missed drawing and playing football, baseball, soccer and basketball with Jesse.

"I’m mad," wrote Chad. "I want to hurt someone. I feel like there is a very big whole [sic] in me." Chad added that he hoped Brown and Carpenter would get the death penalty.

Tina Yates wrote that Jesse loved to read and play football for his school and that he liked camping, fishing and hunting with his siblings, and going to movies with his grandmother. She said her son’s dream was to finish school, get his mechanic’s certification and make a living repairing automobiles.

Brown’s mother, Judith Wasson, told the court tearfully, "We are profoundly sorry for the loss that the Yates family is having. I know in my heart that Joshua could not have intentionally killed anyone."

Jesse’s classmates at Lincoln Middle School placed flowers on his school bus seat and memorialized his locker after his death.

JUDGE DID NOT BUY BROWN’S EXCUSE Judge David Clinger rejected the contention that Brown tried to save Jesse by cutting away duct tape and trying to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Trial testimony showed that Carpenter and Brown contemplated cleaning Jesse in the shower or dumping his body somewhere else before Carpenter called 911.

"I absolutely don’t find a single shred of evidence that Mr. Carpenter ever forced you to do anything that you didn’t want to do," Judge Clinger said.

"You and Davis Carpenter had quite a time inflicting this on this bound and helpless young man who was barely 13. Imagining Jesse’s thought process during his slow and torturous death has sent shivers up my spine," Clinger told Brown.

Despite Clinger’s contention that Joshua willingly participated in Jesse’s assault, juror Milton Davis said, "Very often, we felt we were trying the wrong man."

CARPENTER COPS PLEA Davis Carpenter’s trial, originally scheduled for May 2001, was averted after he pleaded guilty on April 18, 2001 to one count each of capital murder and rape in exchange for serving life in prison without possibility of parole.

At his sentencing, Carpenter admitted his culpability in Jesse ‘s death and apologized to Jesse’s mother and stepfather: "I’d like to say to Miles and Tina that I’m sorry Jesse’s gone. I tried to save him but couldn’t. Every day I pray for them and I will continue to pray for the rest of my life that the Lord will heal the hole in their heart."

While acknowledging that Carpenter’s crimes were terrible, Judge Clinger said he found no evidence that either Carpenter or Brown intended to kill Jesse, persuading him to accept the plea bargain.

Carpenter’s father later told The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette that his son accepted partial blame for Jesse’s murder. "He knew the boy’s family didn’t have much money and gave him a job at the salon. But he has admitted that he probably shouldn’t have ever had the boy in that apartment."

Balfe summarized the case to C&F Report as follows: "I believe that this unfortunate 13-year-old boy, raised in a home with the [types of views that Miles and Tina Yates espoused], was left to be lured by these two pedophiles who could induce him with money and drugs. I believe they wanted Jesse to become addicted to drugs to make him more likely to follow their commands."

Spokesmen for homosexual pressure groups like the Human Rights Campaign deplored Jesse’s murder, even as they said it has nothing to do with "gays."

WHAT’S NEW IN 2002? According to Northwest Arkansas News reports from this year, Brown’s case has been appealed to the Arkansas Supreme Court. However, the appeal is currently languishing due to personnel and workload issues within the Benton County Public Defender’s Office.

Two months after his murder conviction, Carpenter filed a handwritten motion to withdraw his guilty plea. On July 11, 2001, Carpenter filed another petition for post-conviction relief, claiming that his attorneys were ineffective.

On July 11 of this year, Judge Clinger refused Carpenter’s requests, saying that neither request was signed and notarized as required by law.

No local memorials have been held since Jesse’s death, according to reporter Kirby Sanders, who covered the case.

A recent search on the Nexis online database of news and print articles shows a total of 669 articles about Jesse Dirkhising versus 11,948 for slain homosexual college student Matthew Shepard, using the search phrase "All News Stories."

Cards and letters may be sent to Jesse’s family at the following address:

Dirkhising/Yates Family c/o Benton County Prosecutor’s Office 100 NE "A" Street Bentonville, AR 72712


Culture and Family Institute an affiliate of Concerned Women for America 1015 Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1102 Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: (202) 289-7117 Fax: (202) 488-0806 E-mail:

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Front Page News; US: Arkansas
KEYWORDS: dirkhising; homosexuals
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To: flyervet
A Canadian Christian Replies to a Homosexual Activist
By Robert A. Jason

The following is a letter sent by Canadian writer Robert Jason of Fonthill, Ontario, to a homosexual activist, Randy Brandt:

Dear Randy Brandt:

First of all, allow me to introduce myself to you and to all the good people you have sent this sadly ill-informed and dangerously mischievous letter.

Above all, I am a humble follower of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. I’m happily married to the same wonderful woman for 42 years, and we are blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren. Lastly, I’m a retired history teacher with a master’s degree in history.

My "retirement," however, has turned into a full-time job writing letters to newspapers, politicians, et al, on social/moral issues, like the family, education, crime, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, and trying my two bits worth to stem the spiritual and moral decay in our beloved country.

Retirement gives me enough time to do lots of reading, thinking and soul-searching on the fundamental questions of life.

In fact, retirement gave me lots of time to do thorough research on homosexuality when, after retirement, I kept on seeing constant and relentless letters in a local Niagara newspaper by a local homosexual activist who spouted propaganda, disinformation and blatant untruths (like yours). And he railed against Christianity and traditional family values that built this great country. And if any citizen dared to defend themselves and their values, this activist would shout them down with personal insults and vague accusations of "homophobe" and "hate," etc. (very much what you are trying to do). This is a common tactic of activists to suppress healthy debate and free speech in a free and democratic society. I was outraged. I resolved to do extensive research on homosexuality, and I wrote my very first letter to the editor and have not looked back ever since.

Let me rebut your pronouncements one by one. You say, "It is sad to see those who call themselves Christians relying so heavily on fear and hate." No, it is the reverse. It is indeed sad to see those who call themselves Christians relying so heavily on homosexual propaganda and the homosexual agenda rather than relying on clear Christian teaching of the Bible. You have taken the easy way out and embraced the secular world and its morally relativist, postmodern thinking. It takes guts to stick to Biblical virtues in our morally bankrupt world.

Real Christians believe in the Biblical principle of "Love the sinner, hate the sin." We make an intelligent, rational, clear distinction (which you do not) between homosexuals as fellow human beings created in the image of God with all the basic rights of any citizen, and homosexuality as a BEHAVIOR that is unnatural, unhealthy, and harmful to society. We love homosexuals as fellow human beings. In fact, we love them enough to beseech them to change their destructive ways for their own good and become whole again through Jesus Christ. There are legions of organizations composed of "ex-gays," like "Exodus International," who do a very successful and laudable job of reaching out to their fallen brethren and turning them back into whole, happy heterosexuals again. We do not hate homosexuals as human beings, but we are decidedly opposed to the forcible acceptance of their unhealthy behavior and the imposition of special rights like the adoption of our innocent, vulnerable, impressionable children, and "gay marriage," etc. We oppose homosexuality as a destructive behavior just as we do smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism and other socially disapproved behavior. We do not hate smokers, drug addicts, alcoholics and the like, but we do hate their behavior that is not only injurious to their practitioners but to society as a whole.

"Love Thy Neighbor," Yes! "Love Thy Neighbor’s Behavior," No!

Next, you say, " When one goes back and reads the Christian arguments against the abolition of slavery and against female suffrage, they bear an eerie resemblance to the arguments of those who propagate discrimination towards gay people (WRONG AGAIN - NOT AGAINST ‘GAYS’ BUT AGAINST THEIR BEHAVIOR —RJ) today. Good grief! You should be ashamed of yourself for making such an outrageously false statement.

If you know history, it was the early Christian Church that stopped slavery, inequality of women, abortion and abandonment of unwanted children, and perversions that were rampant in the Roman Empire. Christian emperors like Constantine and Justinian enacted just laws abolishing abortion and abandonment, and against slavery, and granted equitable rights to women and elevated the status of women considerably. It was only after the discovery of the Americas that slavery, for example, crept back into Christendom, introduced by non-Christians and "Christians" who did not believe their Scriptures.

And it was, once again, real Christians like William Wilberforce who ended slavery in the British Empire, and American Christians (three quarters of the abolitionists in America were Christian clergy) who abolished slavery in the New World. It was the Christian Lord Shaftesbury who did yeomen’s service for the poor. The Wesleyan Revival in Britain raised moral and material standards in the land. The early feminists for equal rights for women were all Christians who succeeded in getting equal votes for women so that they would be able to stay at home and raise their children in a healthy, loving, nurturing environment rather than being forced to work outside in a "career" in order to feed the insatiable greed of the "Industrial Revolution."

But your comparison of homosexuals to women, for instance, is based on the grotesquely false premise that homosexuals were "born that way" and that homosexuality is somehow innate, genetic and fixed. The majority of women, blacks, Asians and other "visible minorities" would be offended to be lumped in with homosexuals and their immoral lifestyle. It is wrong to compare homosexuals to an immutable and unchangeable condition of race or sexuality. Women and people of various races "were born that way." Homosexuals are not.

The whole homosexual agenda is built on a shaky foundation of homosexuals being "born that way." It is a house built on sand. We must deal with this matter in some depth and dispatch this monstrous hydra once for all. Here are the facts provided by experts with years of experience in the field:

Dr. Elizabeth Moberly, world-renowned psychologist: "No one has yet proven a direct link between genetic and hormonal research and homosexual orientation. There is no evidence for it."\
Masters & Johnson, famous sexologists: "The genetic theory of homosexuality has been generally discarded today. No serious scientist today suggests that a simple cause-effect applies."
Dr. R. Kronemeyer, New York psychologist (working among New York’s enormous "gay" population): "With rare exceptions, homosexuality is neither genetic nor the result of some glandular disturbance. Homosexuals are made, not ‘born that way.’ From my 25 years’ experience as a clinical psychologist, I firmly believe that homosexuality is a learned experience and that it can be unlearned."
Dr. Joseph Berger, assistant professor of psychiatry, University of Toronto (working among the largest "gay" community in Canada): "In my 20 years of psychiatry I have never come across anyone with ‘innate homosexuality.’"
Scientists, many of them homosexuals, have failed to find a "gay gene" after decades of trying. The well-known studies by such scientists as Dean Hamer, Simon LeVay, Bailey & Pillard, have proven to be a dead-end.

Even homosexual activists, such as the famous lesbian writer Camille Paglia, are forced to admit the truth. The brutally honest Paglia admitted: "No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait."

That homosexuality is not genetic is indicated by the high ratio of cures. Dr. Kronemeyer gives a rate of 80 percent of homosexuals cured of their disorder through therapy. Masters & Johnson give 71.6 percent — much higher than that for alcoholics or drug addicts.

Next, you say, dear Mr. Brandt, "The call of Christ is not hate and fear — it is to love unconditionally, and to accept those who are different from us, as Christ did." All nice-sounding, vague, nebulous phrases designed to lull an unwary Christian! Can you kindly tell, pray tell, where exactly did Christ say all this in the Bible? What exactly do you mean by "those who are different from us." Murderers, thieves, pedophiles, incest-fanciers, bestiality-practitioners, for example, are "different from us." Would Jesus love them unconditionally? Or would He love them as persons but hate their behavior? Wouldn’t He seek to change their hearts and minds and conduct and bring them into the Kingdom of God? Did not Jesus throw out the moneychangers from the Temple? Why did he not love them unconditionally, as you claim? How do you explain, for instance, Jesus’ action when he commanded the woman caught in adultery to "sin no more." Sounds very much like conditional love to me.

Finally, you say, "I am attaching a short article entitled "Homosexuality and the Bible" by [John Shelby] Spong." You conveniently neglect to inform us who J.S. Spong is and why we should take Mr. Spong seriously. Well, I’d better supply the necessary information. Spong is the notorious Episcopal bishop from New Jersey who has denied virtually all the basic tenets of our Christian faith and who publicly labeled Apostle Paul a "self-hating gay man." It was Bishop Spong who sneered at the "primitive" Africans and Asians and other Bible-believing Anglicans around the world who overwhelmingly voted at the worldwide Lambeth Conference to uphold Biblical condemnations of homosexuality. With "shepherds" like Bishop Spong, it’s no wonder that the flock has gone astray. Anyway, I would rather be a "primitive" and pure like Jesus and other early disciples than to be a "sophisticated" and "enlightened" postmodernist like Spong who has embraced the secular humanism and moral relativism of this world with a passion.

Well, I am running out of space to analyze in detail all passages in Scripture that provide a general guideline for human sexuality and also which directly condemn homosexuality. So, here is the list, and it is up to you, dear friend, to make up your own mind:

Genesis 1:27; 2:24
Genesis 19:1-29
Leviticus 18:22; 20:13
Judges 19, 20, 21
Matthew 19:4-6
Mark 10:6-9
Romans 1:24-32
1 Corinthians 6:16
Ephesians 5:31
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
1 Timothy 1:8-11

Thank you.

In HIS service,

Robert A. Jason

Culture and Family Institute
an affiliate of Concerned Women for America
1015 Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1102
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: (202) 289-7117
Fax: (202) 488-0806
21 posted on 09/30/2002 4:48:27 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: BeAllYouCanBe
Outrageous! Like straight white folks don't count somehow.
22 posted on 09/30/2002 4:54:12 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: yendu bwam
BUMP to keep Jesse's memory alive.
23 posted on 09/30/2002 5:01:20 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: Saundra Duffy
"it's politically incorrect to report about homosexuals being evil killers."

There is a book called "Coloring The News" and basically it says that the media stooges are paid (given bonuses) based on the number of pictures they get published that show minorities in a positive light.

It must be that those bonuses are also for only positive portrayal of Gays/Lesbians, TransGendered, bisexuals and animal perverts.
24 posted on 09/30/2002 5:04:30 PM PDT by BeAllYouCanBe
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To: BeAllYouCanBe
I just can't stop thinking of poor young Jesse - tortured like that. It's beyond disgusting. He didn't deserve to be treated like that - a love slave. Jesse's parents are creepy pigs. Maybe they're sorry now. Hope so. He sure was a cute kid.
25 posted on 09/30/2002 5:06:57 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: Saundra Duffy
"Jesse's parents are creepy pigs."

When I was a kid growing up in Chicago 40 years ago we had "chickenhawks" and these were gay men who preyed upon teenage boys. Luckily, I was not targeted but I had a friend at 14 who was "attacked" after being plyed with gifts and beer. I don't know what I would have done if it was me but this kid was very naieve. I went into the martial arts to protect myself. My friend was scared for life and lost a lot of personal confidence.

We both had good parents but young kids don't know what to look for to prove a person a pervert if we asked for permission to go hang out with 21 year old men we wouldn't have gotten it. Parents can only go so far otherwise they'll stifle the child.
26 posted on 09/30/2002 5:23:47 PM PDT by BeAllYouCanBe
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To: BeAllYouCanBe
We need to warn our kids about the threat of preying homosexuals. Why is that so wrong?
27 posted on 09/30/2002 5:44:36 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: Saundra Duffy
Yeah. I thought so.
28 posted on 09/30/2002 6:06:17 PM PDT by flyervet
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To: Paul Atreides
I don't condone what the perp did to Mathew Shephard, BUT...

The perp was a straight-white-male, who got sentenced to prison. He was (is) a small framed (5'7"-140 lbs.) guy. In prison, he got gang raped by blacks. Repeatedly. Again and again. Day and night. Because he is white.

Again and again.

Day and night.

He was NOT a racist going in. It's well documented.

He was a "racist" coming out.

Think about it.
29 posted on 09/30/2002 6:09:59 PM PDT by MonroeDNA
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Comment #30 Removed by Moderator

To: Coleus; Saundra Duffy
What's missing in the Matthew Shepard hoopla is that MS was into straight guys and ROUGH TRADE. I'm not saying he deserved to be killed, but wasn't he coming on to one of the guys at that bar a little too heavy? Some people don't like that kind of behaviour. He IS NOT a martyr!
31 posted on 09/30/2002 7:14:29 PM PDT by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: grlfrnd
but wasn't he coming on to one of the guys at that bar a little too heavy?>>>>

I don't know since I wasn't there.

He IS NOT a martyr!>>>>

Nope, he's a queer.

The press hyped up the whole affair and pushed the Hate Crimes Issue and let poor Jessie die alone, very little news about his case.

32 posted on 09/30/2002 7:34:40 PM PDT by Coleus
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To: l8pilot; kjenerette
Check out post #2.

God bless Dixie!

33 posted on 09/30/2002 8:56:02 PM PDT by PistolPaknMama
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To: Coleus; Saundra Duffy
This is from a gay site about the trial of Aaron McKinney:

The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide

Jason Tangeman began by agreeing that Aaron McKinney participated in the death of Matthew Shepard, but argued that his client did not premeditate the murder. Matt Shepard died because of five minutes of emotional rage and chaos caused by McKinney’s methamphetamine use and an abusive background that included unwanted gay sex.

Thus, McKinney’s “voluntary intoxication,” a legal defense in Wyoming, showed that he could not form the specific intent to commit first degree murder. According to the defense’s account, Matt Shepard left the Fireside Lounge voluntarily with McKinney and Henderson, looking for a sexual encounter. Shepard had already been rebuffed by one man at the bar. McKinney and Henderson were friendly, and even though Shepard’s car was parked outside, he asked them for a ride home. Seated between the two in the cab of their pick-up truck, Shepard leaned over, grabbed McKinney’s crotch and licked his ear. McKinney reacted with uncontrollable rage and began beating him.

Soon thereafter, McKinney and Henderson left Shepard tied to a fence and took his shoes to make it difficult for him to walk back to town. McKinney didn’t think he had beaten Matt Shepard to death; why else would he take his shoes?

Soon thereafter, McKinney and Henderson left Shepard tied to a fence and took his shoes to make it difficult for him to walk back to town.

Tangeman then summarized his case and revealed what would soon grab headlines as the “gay panic” defense:

The average citizen might understand one man’s reaction to the sexual advance of another man. Drugs enhance that reaction. But Aaron McKinney’s reactions were even further intensified because he had had sexually traumatic and confusing events in his life. As a child, a neighborhood bully forced McKinney to suck his penis. The bully mocked him, calling him gay. At fifteen, Aaron engaged in gay sex with a cousin. These events traumatized McKinney. In Florida, he and Kristen Price mistakenly went to a gay church, and Aaron left abruptly, sobbing. The gay advance by Matthew Shepard humiliated McKinney in front of Henderson, and then enraged him. McKinney struck out in rage. Not only did drugs and alcohol affect Aaron McKinney that night, but so did his past.

34 posted on 09/30/2002 9:51:37 PM PDT by I_Love_My_Husband
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To: Saundra Duffy
"Permissive"? How about downright blind.

As for whether the kid wanted it or not, why would that even be an issue. He was a minor, those that abused him (with or without "consent") were not.
35 posted on 09/30/2002 10:56:28 PM PDT by HiTech RedNeck
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To: BeAllYouCanBe
Remembering Jesse Dirkhising: A Young Life Snuffed Out by Homosexual Lovers Arkansas boy’s death never captured imagination of media, Hollywood

First of Two Parts


As the third anniversary of Jesse Dirkhising’s death (September 26) approaches, interviews with the prosecutor who tried the Arkansas boy’s homosexual murderers and information gleaned from Northwest Arkansas local news reports shed new light on factors that led to the tragedy.

News of 13-year-old Jesse’s gruesome sadomasochistic killing ignited an outcry among conservatives and pro-family advocates who questioned why the case received only a small fraction of the media coverage devoted to the murder of Matthew Shepard — a "gay" Wyoming college student — a year earlier. A Nexis media database search reveals 13,500 total stories on the name "Matthew Shepard" and 632 for "Jesse Dirkhising." That does not include the massive TV coverage of the Shepard case, including two major Hollywood specials. Meanwhile, Dirkhising has been largely forgotten.

The following account is deeply disturbing. We included only enough detail to highlight the nature of the crime. However, we left many facts out due to their extreme graphic nature; a fuller version will be made available through Americans for Truth, a pro-family organization that opposes the homosexual movement.

There is an aspect of Jesse’s killing that was almost completely ignored by the conservative and "mainstream" media: that it flowed from the almost unthinkable depravities practiced most prominently by homosexual male sadists. Interestingly, the group now known euphemistically in "gay" circles as the "leather community" protests that it practices "consensual," controlled sexually violent behavior and disavows child abuse. Nevertheless, it celebrates pain, degradation and torturous acts of the sort that lit the perverse fantasies of Jesse’s older killer, Davis Carpenter, and ultimately snuffed out young Jesse.

Both Carpenter and his younger homosexual lover, Joshua Brown, are serving life-without-parole sentences in Arkansas jails. Next week’s article will report on some of the lessons learned from his killing. — Editor

By Allyson Smith

Thirteen-year-old Jesse Dirkhising suffocated to death during the early morning hours of September 26, 1999, after being bound, drugged, gagged and brutally sodomized by "gay" lovers Davis Don Carpenter, then 38, and Joshua Macabe Brown, then 22, at the men’s apartment in Rogers, Arkansas.

Earlier that summer, Jesse — with the permission of his mother and stepfather, Tina and Miles Yates — had begun spending weekends with the homosexual couple. His parents knew the two adult men were homosexual lovers.

Carpenter, who had known Miles Yates for several years and was considered a "family friend," made a 60-mile round trip on weekends to pick up Jesse at his trailer park home in Prairie Grove and take him back to Rogers, where he earned $45 helping to sweep the Regis Hairstylists beauty salon that Carpenter managed. Jesse planned to use the money to fix up a truck.

During the five-hour assault, which began around midnight in the couple’s bedroom, Brown, acting on written instructions from Carpenter, bound the seventh-grader with nylon rope, placed a T-shirt blindfold over his head, and gagged his mouth with a pair of underwear secured by a bandana and duct tape.

After propping pillows beneath Jesse’s abdomen, Brown sodomized him a variety of ways, including with an enema laced with the sedative drug amitryptiline while Carpenter (engaging in a lewd act) watched in the bedroom doorway.

Midway through the assault, Carpenter went to an all-night grocery store to purchase additional rape implements.

Upon Carpenter’s return from the store, Brown continued sodomizing Jesse. He then left the room to eat a sandwich. When he returned, the boy was no longer breathing. Frantic, he woke Carpenter, who by that time had fallen asleep on the living room sofa.

After the men attempted unsuccessfully to administer CPR, Carpenter called 911. When police arrived at the apartment, they found Jesse naked and near death on the bedroom floor. His face was blue, according to reports. We are unable to report other details about the crime scene due to their horrific nature.

Jesse was pronounced dead after being rushed to nearby St. Mary’s hospital. Medical Examiner Dr. Stephen Erickson later testified that the boy died as a result of "suffocation, positional asphyxiation and acute amitryptiline intoxication."

KILLER CONFESSIONS - Under questioning by Detective Martha Armstrong, Davis Carpenter denied any participation in Jesse’s assault. However, a grocery clerk at the Price Cutter store where Carpenter bought the food items later testified that he "was wide awake when he came into the store" and that he was "pretty happy" about finding the duct tape on a low shelf, according to The Benton County Daily Record.

Carpenter admitted to police he had used several drugs in the hours leading up to the assault, including methamphetamine.

After his arrest, Carpenter told Benton County jail inmates that he participated in Jesse's sodomy by "shoving pain pills" down the boy's throat, according to a police affidavit.

In the taped interview, Carpenter also said he had "counseled" Jesse about his sexuality and drug use: "If he wanted to bring in a 28-year-old woman and [have sex with her] in the back room, I wouldn’t care. As long as he was there and he told me about it and was honest about everything I asked him about the thing he was doing.

"Just like I told him, ‘If you want to smoke pot that’s fine. You can smoke it in my house but don’t you go out there with the rest of these d--- crazy kids because they’re not good people.’"

"Jesse’s confused," continued Carpenter. "Jesse is attracted to guys and … hates … that part of himself." He said that Jesse’s mother, Tina Yates, had mentioned Jesse’s homosexuality to him.

Carpenter said on tape that he left home at age 15 because of his own homosexuality: "My dad didn’t, my whole family didn’t think fags deserved to live."

However, his father later accepted him. In an April 2001 interview with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Davis Carpenter Sr. said that his son "came home one day and proceeded to tell me he was gay. We sat up and talked for a long time that night. I saw that I couldn't change his mind. So I accepted it."

Carpenter denied that he and Brown practiced any bondage in their sexual relationship. However, he told Armstrong that Brown and Jesse’s "play" included "mummy type stuff" where "they’ve taped each other like a mummy." ("Mummification" is one of many sadistic sex rituals.)

In his police confession, Joshua Brown said he and Jesse "were just playing around." He said they often hog-tied each other and that the young teenager was a willing participant in their "games."

Brown called Jesse his "on-the-side lover" and said that the boy had performed unsolicited oral sex on him during his first weekend visit. However, Brown insisted he had never had anal sex with Jesse until the fatal assault.

Brown said he didn’t know that the "game" would kill Jesse. In his taped confession, Brown stamped the table several times with his fist in apparent remorse and said, "I just don't believe I [expletive deleted] killed him."

Brown also told police that "Davis gots [sic] a whole slew of videos" that are "mostly guy-on-guy [porn films]," but he was not sure if they had arrived yet from the couple’s previous residence in St. Petersburg, Florida.

When asked by Detective Jarod Mason if Carpenter ever fantasized about "little kids," Brown answered, "Sometimes, yeah" but denied that Carpenter would ever act on them.

Joshua also said that Davis "had fantasies about dogs" and would draw pictures of bondage acts.

Later, Brown told Mason, "Jesse … really didn’t have nothing to offer except maybe sex every now and then."

Culture and Family Institute an affiliate of Concerned Women for America 1015 Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1102 Washington, D.C. 20005 Phone: (202) 289-7117 Fax: (202) 488-0806 E-mail:

36 posted on 10/01/2002 8:32:07 AM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: HiTech RedNeck
More hate speech. See Post #36.
37 posted on 10/01/2002 8:32:58 AM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: HiTech RedNeck
The age of consent used to be 14 in Hawaii until the people figured out that was why the gays were flocking to Hawaii. The people changed it to 16, I think. Anyway, that would mean that the gays could still abuse young boys and get away with it. Go figure.
38 posted on 10/01/2002 8:34:42 AM PDT by Saundra Duffy
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To: Saundra Duffy
Thanks for your post #2.
39 posted on 10/01/2002 8:53:38 AM PDT by Robert Drobot
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To: Coleus
Thank you for your link post.
40 posted on 10/01/2002 8:55:37 AM PDT by Robert Drobot
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