No argument here. Of course, you and I probably both regard FDR as more notorious and hideous than "great", but he will go down as probably the most "important" President of the century. Hopefully, once all the seeds Reagan planted germinate and spread, we can finally undo some of FDRs most dubious achievements. It is interesting how with the passage of time Reagan's impact becomes more clear, and more impressive. Or maybe it's just me (I was a teenager during the Reagan years.) I gotta pack it in for the night. Regards,
But I can't say the same about his handling of the 1930`s depression. He injected government into the lives of the American people to such a degree, we're still feeling the effects today. FDR forced America into Roosevelt's form of socialism-lite. And let's not forget, it was WWII that ended the Great Depression and not the policies of FDR.
OTOH, when Ronald Reagan took office, he was faced with the worst economic conditions since the Great Despression. Thanks for nothing, Jimmah Carter. However, Reagan's fiscal policy really did work and within two years of implimenting his economic agenda, America was getting back on track. Reagan's increased military budgets and his foreign policy of peace through strength, won the Cold War, wiping out communism in Europe, while ending the Soviet Union for good.
I'd say, Reagan wasn't only a greater president then FDR, but also he was a more important leader then FDR was. In fact, I'd place Ike and TR ahead of FDR, in that regard.
So i'm a little biased, what can I say.