I can't believe these guys are even trying to present this as a non partisan documentary. *BLECH!*
Never in our fair history has one party behaved so abominably, dishonorably, cowardly...downright un-American as today's Democratic Party.
For the record....
The MEMO to disqualify military ballots
The Dimples Prove Fraud
Unstatesmanlike Conduct, Human Events, good summary of Gore/recount/last minute court decision.
How the Gore Campaign Came Back for the Dead.
How Democrats Steal Elections
Gore, Chris Sautter-"A Recount Primer"
Knock and Drag: Ryan Lizza reveals how Dems. got out the black vote
Trial Lawyers try to litigate their man into the White House
John Lott's Florida Election Study: Black Republicans, NOT Democrats disenfranchised by Dems.
Did you know that Gore did better in Palm Beach county than in any other county in Florida? It was Bush's worst county.
And while the Dems. are still blaming those Votomatic punch card machines (like the one in Palm Beach), it was Bush who was hurt in the Votomatic counties...including my Republican Lee County (impeachment manager Bill McCollum received more votes for Senate than did George W. Bush for Pres in Lee....in Palm Beach, Charlotte also..think about the possibility of that happening) the 12 counties with Votomatics were in Gore's top 50% Dem. votes / registered Dems., Bush's bottom 50% for Republican votes. Gore did better overall in the punch card counties.
Oh, and those "hick" counties, the "red" counties in Florida with fewer than 20,000 voters....all but one in 25 voted for BUSH and they are ALL Democrat majority counties with Dem. election personnel..and ALL recounted (as did EVERY county in Florida (just not 2 or 3 times 'til ballots could be manipulated for Gore)- and the HONEST Democrats in the small Florida counties showed only single digit changes in the recounts, mostly insignificant. As one Freeper said, my Democrat neighbors are southern Democrats with family values and don't trust Gore.
Ask the left: Did you hear of a Republican voting twice? Republican felons voting in large blocks? Republican illegal immigrants? Republicans in nursing homes and hospitals "helping" incompetent patients vote? Republicans adding non-resident names to the voting rosters at the polling locations? Republicans poking holes in ballots/ eating chads? Writing books about recounts and how to win elections by manipulating ballots? Did Republicans have a GOTV center set up in a Palm Beach law office, with "ballot protest" forms and a telecom company set up in advance, as well as a team of lawyers ready to put the "recount' campaign in place? Did a Republican lawyer lie about an Illinois "dimple decision" to the national press and in court? Did a Republican put out a memo..to every one of 67 counties...not based on Florida law, telling poll workers that (over 1000 legitimate) military ballots should be tossed? Did Republicans misdirect military mail? Make it exceedingly difficult for military overseas to vote?
The false charge of "racism" was the most destructive lie of all...but of course the DNC knew exactly how that lie would play in the inner cities where they frightened young children so much, these children cried...fearing the President Bush would make them slaves. It was a topic of discussion at the UN Conference on Racism, thanks to Democrats in attendance and the extensive international DNC PR press version of the election. Over 180 nations railed against the "racist" American leadership...a week of Bush-American and Israel bashing, taking home the message to their respective countries. What enemy of America wouldn't be strengthened by this display of international enmity against US? The UN "racism" conference ended two days before 9-11-01. .
Algor made a fool of himself on national tv today until they cut away. I swear he drank his lunch. I think that's why MSNBC cut away from his remarks. He was on the verge of agreeing that Dubya is acting like Hitler. Oh, and even more effeminate than he was in 2000. I'm sooooooo glad he didn't win the election.
Algor is totally disgusting. If he runs again, he'll have to handle that substance abuse problem first. Not slander - that's exactly what I saw on tv today. Even MSNBC cut away. He was even embarrassing them!
Isn't "online journalist" just another word for a "web hack"? What keeps all of us FReepers from being called "online journalists"?
The Chicago 7 brought guns to the party, they knew in advance that they planned to get things up in arms.
There was an LA Times journalist who went to cover the Elian Gonzales story in Miami (she later went inside the Church Of The Nativity standoff). While at a protest in Miami, she started throwing rocks at the police. This was an attempt to start a riot (and fabricate journalism).
The Republican observers did not like how the counting was being done behind closed doors (where ballots could be altered).
Although the highly partisan film accused Republicans of "stealing" the election, the directors also said the Gore campaign should have been more concerned with counting every vote, instead of merely finding the necessary votes to win the election.