"It must be the variety of the species that make the hummers act different, ya think?" I thought that at first, I thought the Ruby Throats were the bullies but, it looks like who-ever shows up first starts defending the feeder. I can actually see these guys fatten up then they disappear, gone south, I guess.
They're streaming through here presently, I'm going through almost a gallon of feeder daily.
We have two feeders; a four holer and a ten. We had probably 15-20 birds most every day this season. I've seen the small one with all four places filled but they don't get to sit long. It is like an aerial war around here.
When they get low there are a couple of birds that come and hover in front of the kitchen window to remind us to refill the feeders.
They are amazing to watch... too small to make a good meal though.