This must be said over and over again.
More importantly; more shame, fewer abortions. There is no right to murder. The right to choose is BS, and should also be published and punished. With rights comes responsibilities. If you "choose" to murder a child, you, and anyone who assisted should be held accountable.
Another useful measure might be to deny child support collection services to those who refuse to marry the father. If the father refuses to marry, he should pay to offset public support, or raise his child himself (I guess this is his "right to choose"), but he should have to pay no more than the government would expend on public assistance, and no more than he could afford of that amount, in any case (the proper application of guidelines).
Some might think this would give government control over a woman's sexuality. That's the point. The incentives marriage offers and father custody is what kept families together. The government is only enforcing God's laws. That's what makes a civilization civilized.