To: Wphile
Report from the Independent says the UN is going to give Sadaam ONE YEAR with weapons inspectorsI don't think that's going to float with W. He made nice with them for formality's sake, but he also told them his conditions and weapon inspectors weren't on his list.
To: McLynnan
I'm sure he won't and we have veto power for any resolutions. Putting ONE YEAR into it is the kiss of death. Why even bother with it? Kofi Anan is worthless. I'm all for the US totally dropping out of the UN.
135 posted on
09/18/2002 8:51:26 PM PDT by
To: McLynnan
It is not going to cut it with Dubya at all. He already said we would go it alone if necessary. He is sending wording for a resolution to Congress tomorrow. Dubya is not messing around. If the UN won't do their job, he will do it for them. This will officially make the UN irrelevant. Who will pay any intention to them when they know they do nothing to enforce their own resolutions. What a waste. Time for the US to leave the United Nitwits.
148 posted on
09/18/2002 9:01:39 PM PDT by
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