"We seem more geared up for a war and less prepared to hear the ancient message. "
What is the "ancient message"?
Where does the "ancient message originate from"?
What language would it be in? Who would know how to translate, or would it be absolute ESP or partial ESP, or another form of linguistic provision, and who would be chosen to "know" the essence of it all?
What spatial quadrant do you think your spirit originates from?
What could it provide to anyone? Would it be lay down with the bastards who shall kill your weak-minded kind as soon as it is possible?
Could you name any era, any time when some megalomaniac did not have people killed to enhance his or her position?
You Truly Live in...
What is in this secret chamber? How can this revelation impact our philosophers, our politicians. What theological ramifications will come as its result. Perhaps we will wait in vain, all of our hopes to uncover the secret of the ancients crushed in a final unveiling. There is nothing there but dust!