If it will get this thread back on the topic of the Federal Reserve and get you off the Ron Paul is a leftist peacenik soapbox, here's some of what Dr. Paul wrote last March in a column for LewRockwell.com:
European criticism that the United States is now following a unilateral approach is brushed off, which only causes more apprehension in the European community. Widespread support from the eager media pumps the public to support the warmongers in the administration.
The pro and cons of how dangerous Saddam Hussein actually is are legitimate. However, it is rarely pointed out that the CIA has found no evidence whatsoever that Iraq was involved in the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Rarely do we hear that Iraq has never committed any aggression against the United States. No one in the media questions our aggression against Iraq for the past 12 years by continuous bombing and imposed sanctions responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children.
Iraq's defense of her homeland can hardly be characterized as aggression against those who rain bombs down on them. We had to go over 6,000 miles to pick this fight against a third-world nation with little ability to defend itself.
Our policies have actually served to generate support for Saddam Hussein, in spite of his brutal control of the Iraq people. He is as strong today if not stronger as he was prior to the Persian Gulf War 12 years ago.
Even today, our jingoism ironically is driving a closer alliance between Iraq and Iran, two long-time bitter enemies.
While we trade with, and subsidize to the hilt, the questionable government of China, we place sanctions on and refuse to trade with Iran and Iraq, which only causes greater antagonism. But if the warmongers' goal is to have a war, regardless of international law and the Constitution, current policy serves their interests.
Could it be that only through war and removal of certain governments we can maintain control of the oil in this region? Could it be all about oil, and have nothing to do with US national security?
Too often when we dictate who will lead another country, we only replace one group of thugs with another as we just did in Afghanistan with the only difference being that the thugs we support are expected to be puppet-like and remain loyal to the US, or else.
Warmongers like you will see this as leftist tripe.
I happen to believe the points Dr. Paul makes are significant, truthful and pro-US as a sovereign nation which is what we should be.
Contrast this to some of the Vice President's unsubstantiated charges of late ("There can be no doubt . .") plus the outrageous comments on this board about nuking every Arab nation that won't go along with a war on Iraq and it appears Rep. Paul is a lone voice of reason and sanity.