On to November!
To: kinganamort; KatherineHarris4Congress; JulieRNR21; floriduh voter; summer; MeeknMing; Joe Brower; ..
To: katherineisgreat
She'll make short work of Jan, too. Then she can go back to DC and lobby Congress for foreign aid for her clients.
To: katherineisgreat
Whatever happened to the business about the judge to decide whether her votes were legal - something about a notice being filed late? I don't follow FLA politics that closely.
10 posted on
09/16/2002 4:21:23 PM PDT by
To: katherineisgreat
Congrats to Katherine, in all victories, from the primary to the court case, and well sure for November, as well. Abbey, you should have posted some of those pics from her adobe thing...
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