...more than $236 million... during Feinstein
...$95 million during Art Agnos
...more than $104 million during Frank Jordan
...more than $233 million through Willie Brown's administration
Hmmmm. Is there some sort of a pattern here with these Liberal Democrats?
And now thay want to raise billions in bond issues and raise the water rates?
Isn't this just a huge hidden tax to pay for their past programs?
As Gomer Pyle would exclain: "Well Goooolleee!"
"Sheeple Fleecing 101":
1) Skim cash from revenue sources and bond initiatives that were originally sold as, and intended for use in, infrastructure management and expansion (roads, bridges, water systems, schools, etc.)
2) Use these funds to expand socialist government programs, government bureacracy (salaries), and to reward political supporters (payoffs).
3) Allow the infrastructure to degrade to perilous levels.
4) Infgorm the (incredibly gullible) sheeple that a dire condition exists that can only be solved by bond issuance and fee (tax) increases.
5) Laugh all the way to the bank after the sheeple cave in at the next election cycle.
6) Repeat until the sheeple wise up.
There you have it -- "Sheeple Fleecing 101".