Really? His story has changed. Originally, the three men were joking.
Now, according to them, Eunice Stone is lying.
He's obviously talked to his relatives, and know that there is some media attention to be gained by playing the race card.
He won't fool many Americans, not after 9/11.
He won't fool many Americans, not after 9/11.
Holy Shiite, I agree with you again on this one....
Will wonders never cease.
Did he say he was joking, or did the news report it was a joke?
All of the sudden the authorities decided to back off these three in a big way. I think that is indicative of something.
I don't think so
You are wrong. America has gone soft when it comes to Islam, from the President on down. It made me sick to hear the President litter his fine Ellis Island speech with yet another "apology" to Muslims.
With the President beating the " religion of peace" drum, and the Ad Council's bizarre "Stop the Hate" campaign, I would not be suprised to see most Americans succumbing to this idea of "Arabs as victims."
Read today, watch's all about "hate crimes" and "discrimination" against Muslims.
As Ann Coulter has so well stated the true hate count score is MUSLIMS 3,000 WHITE GUYS 1 (that idiot in Texas). But the corrupt, Orwellian media will do everything in its broad power to convice us that 2 + 2 = 5.
And we have to keep in mind that they were confined all that time. It is unlikely that they knew just how much national media attention was being given to this story at the time.