Why did these three rags run through a turnpike turnstile? Why did trained dogs pick up explosive scents?
These boys are going to be watched, closely, for some time, and for good reason.
The Muslim organizations in America are going to attempt to make it so miserable for Ms Stone and the Florida authorities that nobody else will even think of saying 'boo' to a Muslim.
Their aim is to make Muslims a privileged victim group in American society.
Stop with the dogs already! Sink, you're too wise for that. Even I can tell that the dogs are purely a prop - None!
How many times in just the last week have we heard that dogs indicated the prosence of explosives and then nothing was found? At least twice. There was the case on Wednesday where the dog indicated there were explosives in a laptop and inside a box of a person detained on a flight. That was BS. Cops blow up the box and it had nothing in it. Fortunatly for the poor guy detained, he was able to convince the cops to not blow up his laptop just on the dogs say-so. They took it apart and put it back together - no explosives.
The dogs are a sham - just an excuse to get a search warrant.
Others have been detained far longer on far less. I can't help thinking that maybe it's a ploy to make them think they got away with something. Meanwhile, it would not surprise me to learn later that they had surveillance devices in their cars and investigators on their tails to see what turns up. If you can't beat them with intimidation, play on their combination of arrogance and stupidity.