To: TexasRepublicans
"i dont thik anyone has reported seeing 3 middle eastern men running through the storage yards." And here I thought folks were supposed to have an open mind here. I always suspect anyone who automatically says its not "Terrorist Related", might want to wait and see don't ya think? Now as for the statement I have quoted from you, If I am not mistaken a few "Terrorists" were other then Middle Eastern Persuasion, I.E. Latino/Hispanic, are you now going to say Texas has no one of Hispanic origin? Or that there were never any Hispanic folks walking anywhere near the tanker?
I bring this up because now they are saying the 3 men in the cars in FLA might be Hispanic. But of course we still have to have a open door policy in regards to immigration. One final note, The idiot(s) in the INS/FBI/Local law who let the two Middle Easteners out on 5000.00 bond in Baltimore, MD ought to at least be brought up on conspiring with the Enemy.
To: JustAnAmerican
ok fair enough.
no one has seen any people of whatever nationality in the area.
plenty open mindedness here on my end. i'm just letting folks know that i work in the area and am extremely familiar with the rail and chemical industry. while there is a chance that the terrorists could have done this in such a brilliant way that it shows no evidence they are involved, that would not give them the propaganda tool. also this site is poorly chosen for casualties.
in short, no evidence, as a matter of logic, is evidence of nothing not something.
no evidence that there was any intentional misconduct here by the plant folks or outsiders.
again, florida is where the action is. now there is something where the evidence points towards intentional terrorist type activity. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson